Read the January/February 2025 Issue of Archival Outlook

The test kitchen at Batten, Barton, Durstine, and Osborn (BBDO) in the 1950s.

Explore the latest issue of Archival Outlook! In the January/February issue, Jeremy Pekarek shares the work of collaborating with a donor to accept, process, and preserve the history of Northwest Indiana’s first Hispanic nurse; Jessica Gribble discusses the steps of getting an archival book published; and Ashley Williams Clawson talks about filming a baking series as part of a marketing effort for a newly acquired collection. Also in this issue, get ready to vote in the 2025 SAA election later this spring and submit SAA award nominations by February 28. Read the digital issue here. Print edition to follow.

On the Cover: The test kitchen at Batten, Barton, Durstine, and Osborn (BBDO) in the 1950s. The kitchen acted as a proving ground for products at the advertising agency, as well as a space to better facilitate BBDO’s food-based clients.

Table of Contents | Archival Outlook | January/February 2025

This issue is sponsored by Atlas Systems, Inc. and San José State University.