Volunteer for SAA Foundation Committees!

February 14, 2023: Looking for ways to be more involved? Interested in the programs, grants, and awards the SAA Foundation provides?  Volunteer now for a position on an SAA Foundation committee!

The SAA Foundation is seeking volunteers to serve one-year appointments (August 2023 to August 2024) on the following committees: 

Deadline: March 14, 2023

Complete and submit the self-nomination form by March 14, 2023. SAA membership is not required for a position on the Foundation Board. The experiences and skills necessary for these positions may differ significantly from those required for other SAA leadership appointments. 

The SAA Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose purpose is to raise funds to provide resources to enhance the work of the archives community. The Foundation's sole corporate member is the Society of American Archivists. The Board's Nominating Committee reviews applications and makes recommendations to the Board for final approval.  

Questions? Contact saahq@archivists.org or call the SAA office at 866-722-7858.



The Society of American Archivists Foundation is the nation’s leading source of nonprofit funding dedicated to the interests of archives and archivists. The SAA Foundation and the Society of Southwest Archivists sponsor the National Disaster Recovery Fund for Archives, which provides funds to address the stabilization and recovery needs of archival repositories affected by natural disasters.