Flood + Wildfire Recovery Resources

August 3, 2022—With wildfires ravaging the west and catastrophic flooding to the east, archives and archivists across the country are facing severe natural disasters. Please review and share the following resources with those in need!

For Immediate Advice or Assistance:

See the Northeast Document Conservation Center's Emergency Resources
or contact NEDCC's 24/7 Emergency Hotline at 855-245-8303.

Contact the National Heritage Responders at 202-661-8068.



Response and Recovery Resources (HENTF)

Disaster Response and Recovery Guides (FAIC)

Recommended Wildfire Resources for Cultural Heritage Organizations (HENTF)

Request support from the SAA Foundation National Disaster Recovery Fund for Archives (NDRFA). Grants of up to $5,000 are available for immediate recovery needs. To support institutions and archivists affected by these floods and wildfires, consider making a donation to the NDRFA fund

Review the Documenting in Times of Crisis: A Resource Kit, provides templates and documents that will assist cultural heritage responders and archivists in collecting materials on tragedies within their communities. 

For direct assistance, contact the SAA Crisis Collecting Assistance Team, which offers remote assistance and general guidance on crisis collecting. CCAT volunteers include expert archivists who have all faced similar situations in leading and supporting  their staff through processing and documenting tragedies great and small. 

Fact sheets for members of the public whose family treasures have been affected by flooding or wildfires:



 FEMA and the Smithsonian Institution co-sponsor the Heritage Emergency National Task Force, a partnership of 42 national service organizations and federal agencies created to protect cultural heritage from the damaging effects of natural disasters and other emergencies. 



The Foundation for Advancement in Conservation (FAIC) supports conservation education, research, and outreach activities that increase understanding of our global cultural heritage.


The Society of American Archivists Foundation is the nation’s leading source of nonprofit funding dedicated to the interests of archives and archivists. The SAA Foundation and the Society of Southwest Archivists sponsor the National Disaster Recovery Fund for Archives, which provides funds to address the stabilization and recovery needs of archival repositories affected by natural disasters.