J. Franklin Jameson Archival Advocacy Award: CIC’s Humanities Research for the Public Good Program

Council of Independent Colleges’ (CIC) Humanities Research for the Public Good Program is a 2020 recipient of the J. Franklin Jameson Archival Advocacy Award given by the Society of American Archivists (SAA). The award honors an individual, institution, or organization that promotes greater public awareness, appreciation, or support of archival activities or programs. 

This program engages undergraduate students in archival research on topics that address issues of public significance. Selected teams—each consisting of a faculty member, a librarian or archivist, and a senior academic administrator—receive grant funds to collaborate with a local community organization on a project to showcase a significant collection of primary sources held by a CIC member institution and address a topic of public concern. Twenty-five private colleges and universities around the country have had an opportunity to highlight primary source collections through public programs, and have created community partnerships. Many undergraduates had the opportunity to spend two semesters getting to know their collections intimately through processing and researching collections, or conducting research in previously processed materials. Projects have taken many forms, including exhibitions, public discussions, websites, and podcasts. Engagement with archivists and primary sources is front and center in this innovative program. 

As stated by the CIC President Richard Ekman for the program’s 2018 launch, “Independent colleges are stronger when they share their resources with their communities—and so are their communities. Those resources often include significant archival or library collections that can illuminate issues of real public importance.”

The project is directed by Anne M. Valk, executive director of the American Social History Project (CUNY Graduate Center), and funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Participating institutions are detailed at www.cic.edu/PublicHumanities.

9 Comment(s) to the "J. Franklin Jameson Archival Advocacy Award: CIC’s Humanities Research for the Public Good Program"
106679 says:
The J. Franklin Jameson

The J. Franklin Jameson Archival Advocacy Award recognizes CIC's Humanities Research for the Public Good Program's remarkable efforts in promoting public engagement with archival resources.


103526 says:
This initiative is a shining

This initiative is a shining example of how archives can foster meaningful connections between academic research and community engagement. https://thatsnotmyneighbor.com

Eveline says:
This program supports

This program supports initiatives that foster collaboration between scholars and communities, helping to make https://gorillataggame.org academic research more accessible and relevant to the public. By advocating for the importance of humanities research, the CIC contributes to a deeper understanding of history and culture,

grabba says:
J. Franklin Jameson Archival Advocacy Award

The J. Franklin Jameson Archival Advocacy Award recognizes outstanding efforts in promoting archival research and preservation. This program encourages the use of humanities research to address real-world issues. https://grabbaleafnearme.com/

103519 says:

The CIC’s Humanities Research for the Public Good Program received the J. Franklin Jameson Archival Advocacy Award for its efforts in promoting public engagement with humanities research. dish network cable and internet The program encourages collaboration between students and archives, fostering awareness and appreciation of historical resources, and making research accessible to broader communities.

AlBayt says:
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103849 says:

Congratulations to the Council of Independent Colleges’ Humanities Research for the Public Good Program on receiving the prestigious J. Franklin Jameson Archival Advocacy Award! This recognition by the Society of American Archivists underscores the program's exceptional efforts in promoting public awareness and appreciation of archival activities. Engaging undergraduate students in meaningful archival research and fostering community partnerships is a commendable approach that benefits both the institutions and their communities. The variety of projects, from exhibitions to podcasts, showcases the versatility and importance of primary source collections. As CIC President Richard Ekman aptly stated, sharing these valuable resources with the community strengthens both the colleges and the public. For those looking to develop their own impactful essay projects, consider using https://essaywritercheap.org/buy-essays/ for professional assistance. This award is well-deserved, and we look forward to seeing more impactful projects in the future!

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