August Council Virtual Meeting Minutes Available

September 3, 2020—Minutes from the August 3, 2020, Council virtual meeting are available now here

For highlights from this meeting, see this news item

If you have questions or concerns about these Council actions, feel free to contact SAA President Rachel Vagts ( or Executive Director Nancy Beaumont (

The next meeting of the SAA Council will take place bi-monthly starting in September. If you’d like to have an item considered for inclusion on the agenda, submit it to Vagts and/or Beaumont.

3 Comment(s) to the "August Council Virtual Meeting Minutes Available"
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Andreaa says:

Recommendations included a phased implementation approach to manage risks and ensure sustainability.

102400 says:
Thank you for providing the

Thank you for providing the information about the SAA Council meeting and the contact details for President Rachel Vagts and Executive Director Nancy Beaumont. If anyone has questions or poppy playtime chapter 3 concerns regarding the Council actions, they can reach out to them directly.