80th President, 2025-2026, Auburn Avenue Research Library
79th President, 2024-2025, University of South Florida Libraries
78th President, 2023-2024, University of Hawaii Manoa Hamilton Library
77th President, 2022-2023, Multnomah County Records Program
76th President, 2021-2022, Columbia University Rare Book & Manuscript Library
75th President, 2020-2021, Denver Public Library
74th President, 2018-2020, Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum
73rd President, 2017-2018, Wake Forest University
72nd President, 2016-2017, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
71st President, 2015-2016, Minnesota Historical Society
70th President, 2014-2015, New York State Archives
69th President, 2013-2014, The Library of Congress
68th President, 2012-2013, OCLC Research
67th President, 2011-2012, Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners
66th President, 2010-2011, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
65th President, 2009-2010, Archives Division, Wisconsin Historical Society
64th President, 2008-2009, Clarke Historical Library, Central Michigan University
63rd President, 2007-2008, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming
62nd President, 2006-2007, Ford Motor Company Archives
61st President, 2005-2006, Arizona State Library Archives and Public Records
60th President, 2004-2005, Western Washington University
59th President, 2003-2004, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
58th President, 2002-2003, Cornell University Library
57th President, 2001-2002, Duke University
56th President, 2000-2001, Pennsylvania State University
55th President, 1999-2000, Cornell University
54th President, 1998-1999, University of British Columbia
53rd President, 1997-1998, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
52nd President, 1996-1997, Marquette University
51st President, 1995-1996, Georgia Department of Archives and History
50th President, 1994-1995, National Gallery of Art
49th President, 1993-1994, Consultant
48th President, 1992-1993, Cornell University
47th President, 1991-1992, University of Maryland
46th President, 1990-1991, National Archives and Records Administration
45th President, 1989-1990, Smithsonian Institution
44th President, 1988-1989, National Archives and Records Administration
43rd President, 1987-1988, Minnesota Historical Society
42nd President, 1986-1987, Princeton University
41st President, 1985-1986, State University of New York at Buffalo
40th President, 1984-1985, University of Minnesota
39th President, 1983-1984, Texas State Archives
38th President, 1982-1983, University of Wisconsin
37th President, 1981-1982, National Archives and Records Administration
36th President, 1980-1981, Case Western Reserve University
35th President, 1979-1980, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
34th President, 1978-1979, Public Archives of Canada
33rd President, 1977-1978, University of Maryland
32nd President, 1976-1977, University of Michigan
31st President, 1975-1976, Library of Congress
30th President, 1974-1975, National Archives and Records Administration
29th President, 1973-1974, State Historical Society of Wisconsin
28th President, 1972-1973, Public Archives of Canada
27th President, 1971-1972, South Carolina Department of Archives and History
26th President, 1970-1971, Wayne State University
25th President, 1969-1970, Yale University
24th President, 1968-1969, North Carolina Department of Archives and History
23rd President, 1967-1968, Harvard University
22nd President, 1966-1967, National Archives and Records Administration
21st President, 1965-1966, Colorado State Archives
20th President, 1964-1965, Public Archives of Canada
19th President, 1963-1964, National Archives and Records Administration
18th President, 1962-1963, Delaware State Archives
17th President, 1961-1962, National Archives and Records Administration
16th President, 1960-1961, National Archives and Records Adminstration
15th President, 1959-1960, Georgia State Archives
14th President, 1958-1959, National Archives and Records Administration
13th President, 1957-1958, Firestone Library
12th President, 1956-1957, Colonial Williamsburg, Inc.
11th President, 1955-1956, American University
10th President, 1954-1955, Maryland Hall of Records
9th President, 1953-1954, National Archives and Records Administration
8th President, 1951-1953, Mississippi Department of Archives and History
7th President, 1949-1951, National Security Resources Board
6th President, 1947-1949, North Carolina Department of Archives and History
5th President, 1945-1947, National Archives and Records Administration
4th President, 1943-1945, Illinois State Library
3rd President, 1941-1943, National Archives and Records Administration
2nd President, 1939-1941, American Council of Learned Societies
1st President, 1936-1939, University of North Carolina