Live Web Chat

Society of American Archivists’ (SAA) Oral History Section Live Web Chat:

Lessons Learned from Boston College and the Belfast Case


Wednesday, July 17, 2013 @ 2pm Eastern

Featuring guest panelists Clifford Kuhn and Elena Danielson

If you missed the LIVE chat, view the PDF transcript at the bottom of this post. You're welcome to post comments below.

SAA’s Oral History Section’s continued interest around the Belfast Case centers on the opportunity the case provides to consider questions that may and do come up in our work as archivists working with oral histories, and, as members and participants in various professional associations. Questions such as:

  • What are our responsibilities to our interviewees and donors, especially with regard to informed consent? Can we promise confidential or restricted access to our interviewees?

  • In our workplaces: as archivists, do we know and have access to our institution’s legal team? Is that important?

  • When is it appropriate to accept, or not accept, a collection?

  • What is the role of professional associations in speaking out about legal cases?


Join us for what we hope will be a thought-provoking conversation leading up to the SAA Annual Meeting!

About the Panelists:

Elena Danielson is Former Archives Director and now “archivist emerita” at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, and is author of The Ethical Archivist.   (Please note: the July 17 chat transcript title for Ms. Danielson is incorrect)

Clifford Kuhn is Associate Professor of History at Georgia State University, and is the Executive Director of the Oral History Association.




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106544 says:
Stein3277 says:
Boston College case discussion

Should oral history educators use this discussion and case study in their course-work, lesson plans? Any restrictions with that? Archival privilege seems to be the new norm, as articulated by the SAA Students and new Archives Professionals Roundtable. -Al Stein, COHE  Online

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