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Tony Wright
The City of Grand Rapids Community Archives and Research Center
Statement of Interest: I would like to serve on the Government Records Steering Committee because I have fifteen years of experience with local government records and archives. My experience with city and county government includes the development and improvement of records retention schedules; FOIA requests and FOIA policy development; Document imaging and filming; and the preservation of government records and archives. I am a member of SAA and ARMA, plus I would like to be more active in the records management and archives community.
Laura Kathryn Saegert
Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Statement of Interest: I am currently the Assistant Director for Archives of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSALC). I have been with the Commission since November 1981 and took on the role of assistant director in 2010. I work primarily with state government records but in recent years have begun working with local records on a limited basis. TSLAC has a system of regional depositories that house local government records in their regions, I serve as the liaison to those repositories. I am interested in furthering the outreach of the Government Records Section to reach all government archives and raise the awareness of the value of government records in other aspects of the archival community.