Roundtable Meeting Minutes - 2017 April 25

Roundtable Meeting Minutes

2017 April 25

  1.  Annual Meeting

    1. Speaker/Presenter Roster (Deadline June 3)

      1. TS-EAS Update (Kathy Wisser)

      2. RiC (Daniel Pitti and Aaron Rubenstein)

      3. ArchivesSpace EAD3 support (Noah Huffman - Patrick will e-mail)

      4. EAD3 early implementers (Ruth Kitchin Tillman and NYPL)

        1. NYPL? Alexander Duryee (

        2. Archives Portal Europe? Wim van Dongen (

        3. Notre Dame? (TBD)

    1. “Year in Review”

      1. Webinar

      2. Microsite/reorganization

      3. Final EAD3 study group report

  1. Section Elections

    1. Call for nominations due May 15; final ballot due June 1)

    2. We need to elect a new co-chair and two steering committee members

    3. Elizabeth will check into the procedural aspect

  1. EAD3 Migration Study Group (Elizabeth)

  1. Webinar Series (Adrian/Patrick)

  1.  Incorporate other standards (EAC-F, EAC-G, EGAD, etc.) into the Roundtable Standards Portal

    1. Adrian will compile a preliminary list of standards to include

  1. Collection of “Wild” EAD3 Specimens (Christy)

  1. Mapping ArchivesSpace fields to EAD3

    1. Group will review the document and discuss common themes; comments will be submitted individually

  2. Action Items

    1. Patrick

      1. Send e-mail to Noah

      2. Brainstorm section applicants

      3. Brainstorm webinar ideas

    1. Elizabeth

      1. Write call for nominations

      2. E-mail Kathy Wisser, Daniel Pitti, and Aaron Rubenstein

      3. Brainstorm section applicants

      4. Brainstorm webinar ideas


    1. Adrian

      1. Write preliminary list of standards to add to the Standards Portal

      2. Circulate webinar feedback

    2. Christy

      1. Check with Slack and listservs about EAD3 early adopters for both the EAD3 repo and to speak at the annual meeting.