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Encoded Archival Standards Section
August 24, 2020
Dallas, Betts, Bo, Sue, Michele
Welcome to new members
We’ll plan to have another meeting in September with just 2020-2021 members to discuss meeting regularity, communication, etc.
Annual report 2019-2020
Due September 1
Draft will be linked here when available! Draft:
Feedback appreciated, particularly for the questions related to the SAA Strategic Plan, the 2020 annual meeting (particularly number of attendees!), and questions related to the future of the section (e.g., those related to section mergers/affiliations)
Survey Data release
Should we be releasing the data and a PDF of the presentation now to other sections, regional groups, our list-serve, resources page, etc.?
Should we plan to use the same volunteer list as we have in the past? Do new members have other ideas or want to share the list with other groups?
Venue |
Person |
EAS Section |
Betts |
Code4Lib |
Bo |
EAD list (LOC) |
Michele |
Metadata and Digital Objects |
Michele |
Collection Management |
Sue |
Lone Arrangers |
Bo |
Description |
Betts |
MARAC (Mid-Atlantic) |
Michele |
NEA (New England) |
Betts |
MAC (Midwest) |
Southwest Archives/all western regionals (covered by West_Arch) |
Sue |
General announcements list |
Betts |
Archives and Linked Data Interest Group |
Bo |
Betts |
Betts |
Archivists working with archival data Slack channel |
Betts |
Does anyone have time/availability for writing a formal report, or should we focus on other next steps?
After release of data, check with Description, TS-EAS, other sections about interest in
Draft email with links to all the data
First steps to using survey data
Brainstorm document
Bring to conversations with TS-EAS and Description
EAD crosswalks
Where do EAD and EAC-CPF fall within overall alphabet soup (descriptive standards, content standards, etc.)
Low-cost tools to work in spreadsheets/EAD together
EAD & ArchivesSpace - tools for editing, cleaning up, etc
Building a National Finding Aid Network - grant includes outreach on National Finding Aid Tool
Updating resources page
Links to webinars related to EAD and EAC-CPF
Check all the links and remove anything out of date
Update with sources we use
Should we set up meetings with other section leadership?
Already have one with TS-EAS Outreach
Should we try to set some up for the fall with other sections’ leadership- Description? Others?
Meeting minutes going online
Can share access to 2019-2020
Does anyone have older? Should we try to get access to those?
Previous co-chairs: Lora Woodford, Patrick Galligan
Any thoughts on standard practice for making 2020-2021 minutes available
Action items:
Reach out to Lora Woodford & Patrick Galligan for past meeting minutes: Betts (done)
Update meeting minutes for 2019-2020 on website: Bo
Set up meeting with Description Steering Committee: Sue
Look at resources page, note what needs to be removed/updated, make list of resources to add: ALL
Brainstorm webinars - topics, collaborators, etc: ALL
Sign up for survey data sharing: ALL
Get survey data set cleaned up and on the website: Betts
Put together email to share all survey data: Betts
Send emails with survey data links once draft approved: ALL
Create 2020-2021 folder & share - Betts