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Scheduling future calls
Need another method of communication beyond calls to check in
Google group?
Calls every other month
Can’t schedule on a specific day
2 weeks lead time to get the meetings on the calendars
Who wants what?
Sending it out to more people
Social Media
We should be doing more?
Email is totally fine
Twitter could be more robust
New platforms?
Don’t really need more
Keep an eye on Facebook
What we’d like to see?
Discussions (tag EAS)
Ask an Archivist Day
Project Ideas
How are people creating standards-compliant description? By hand?
Who’s creating EAD by hand and who’s using a CMT to generate EAD?
How are people generating EAC records?
Goal: here’s where we are. How people are using and interacting with standards.
Earlier project (all hands on board)
Collaboration Opportunities
Crossover between creating finding aids and digital object metadata?
Groups for specific types of archives
Lone Arrangers
Possible target for outreach/survey
Webinar Ideas
Tabled until survey results
Brainstorming for annual
Need more than one person
Related presentations?
10-15 minutes
Thematically related content
Agenda Items for Fall Council Meeting
To Do
Patrick: Setup Slack
Patrick: Twitter login info
Lora: Setup google doc or something else for survey