Inclusive Pedagogy Resources

The Committee on Education recommends the following non-exhaustive list of inclusive pedagogy resources for SAA Education course instructors and designers. This list was assembled by the Committee on Education DEIA Working Group in FY22-23 to provide guidance for diversity, equity, and inclusion in SAA Education course offerings. None of the following constitutes an endorsement by the Society of American Archivists.

Society of American Archivists Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, May, 2020.

We recommend this statement as a starting point for instructors to center SAA's values of diversity and equity in designing courses. The statement emphasizes the benefits of participation of people from all backgrounds and offers definitions of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

ACRL Inclusive Pedagogy Toolkit, 2002


This is a recent and dynamic resource that has AV and a specific section for instruction. The self-care section is both general and has specific BIPOC resources.

Columbia University School of Professional Studies DEIA Accessibility Guide 


Columbia University SPS created this guide as an evolving resource, and instructors will find useful guidance for creating an inclusive classroom environment. Their overall recommendations include using people-first language, becoming culturally competent, asking before calling out identity, using the term “self-identified”, and collaboration without tokenization. The guide offers advice to avoid ableism and ageism, recommendations for writing about gender identity, sexual orientation, racial and ethnic identity, and use of inclusive visual imagery. The guide also offers a useful glossary of terms and list of references.


Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation, Carnegie Mellon University, “How to Center DEI in Teaching.” 


“How to Center DEI in Teaching” is a part of a larger website created by the Eberly Center, “Design & Teach a Course.” This site provides DEI strategies and examples to use in course design and course delivery, and draws on Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) methods to promote inclusion. The information is geared toward students who are learning how to teach or people who are seeking to improve their teaching, and could apply to instruction in any subject.   


Gamrat, Chris, “Inclusive Teaching and Course Design,” EDUCAUSE Review, February 6, 2020. 


This brief article is geared toward faculty and instructional designers teaching a semester-long class, but many of the tips can be adopted for shorter courses as well. Includes a graphic and numbered list with sixteen tips for inclusive teaching.


Squires, J.M. Inclusive Library Instruction. 2021. Project/Website/Thesis 


This project is the culmination of two years' worth of research, teaching, and scholarship in the Master of Science in Library Science (MSLS) program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill focusing on critical pedagogy, library instruction, and student success services and programming in higher education, with special attention to traditionally underserved and minoritized student communities such as first-generation college student (FGCS) scholars. (Much of this project is “coming soon.”) 


Wiley University Services, "Designing and Teaching an Inclusive Course: A Guide for Faculty.” 2022. 


The purpose of this guide is to provide faculty with recommendations on how they can promote DEI in their online courses. Wiley Education Services outlines a framework in which instructors are encouraged to demonstrate curiosity about students’ viewpoints, demonstrate candor in their conversations about their own experiences, display courtesy to students, and exhibit courage to share experiences and understand others. This guide offers a model to examine your own biases, build a design foundation, design for different student experiences, curate course materials, and craft a positive learning environment. Lastly, the guide recommends affirming teaching behaviors and student support resources. 

The following resource guide was compiled by the Graduate Archival Education Subcommittee and the Archival Educators Section Steering Committee for the purposes of graduate instruction and may also be useful for SAA Instructors: DEIA Informed Curriculum Resources.