Annual Meeting Minutes 2014


Acquisitions & Appraisal Section

Annual Meeting

Thursday, August 14, 2014, 3:30-5:30PM

Call to order and introduction of current leadership - Ginny 

Leadership for this past year was:

Virginia Hunt, Chair

Laura Sullivan, Vice Chair/Chair-Elect

Bethany Anderson, Steering Committee Member

Adriana Cuervo, Steering Committee Member

Jamie Quaglino, Steering Committee Member

Heather Soyka, Steering Committee Member

Laura Uglean Jackson, Immediate Past Chair

Toni Rhorer, Intern


Remarks from Council Liaison - Lisa Mangiafico:

"Best Practices for Volunteers in Archives" was approved.  An advocacy brief on HIPAA was approved.  Council is working to have issue briefs on various topics, which can be found on the website.  The joint meeting guide has been revised, and will be sent out for member comment after the annual meeting.  The Coalition to Advance Learning in Archives, Libraries, and Museums has been recently formed to find synergies between organizations, ways to provide to other groups, and gaps/issues not being provided.  Bill Maher is working with WIPO on international copyright and exceptions for libraries and archives. The Council adopted the recommendations of a short-term working group looking at the Archives and Archivists List.  The Council agreed that SAA will continue to host the list as a general archives forum that is not restricted to SAA members, and that it will review and evaluate the outcome of the changes in the Terms of Participation at its May 2015 meeting and determine at that time the continuing value of the list.


Current projects – Ginny

The Steering Committee endorsed a number of sessions for this year’s annual meeting, worked on the Section’s new blog, continued the Section’s Facebook page, appointed a new web liaison (Denise Rayman), and put together the session program for this year’s annual meeting.  The topic was chosen based on results from the Section member survey done a few years ago.


"Assigning Value" section blog and advice column mini-tour – Heather

The blog was created based on members’ interests expressed in the member survey and as a way to engage with the membership.  Acquisitions and appraisal questions and problems are all welcome topics.  Please submit these through the blog or send to a Steering Committee member.


Report on section sponsored and endorsed sessions at SAA 2014, motion adopted by SAA Council to suspend endorsements for 2015 Program – Ginny

The Section endorsed proposed sessions for the annual meeting, but SAA Council has decided to suspend endorsements for the 2015 program in order to try something new.


New web liaison – Ginny

The Steering Committee is happy to announce that Denise Rayman recently accepted the position of web liaison and will begin maintaining and updating the Section’s microsite.


Remarks from 2014 Program Committee - Carl Van Ness

Next year’s annual meeting does not have a theme, but will be doing something different.  The meeting will be in a convention center rather than a hotel.  Sessions on advocacy for collections, which will present new ideas and debate, and which are creative in terms of content and delivery are being encouraged.  New for 2015 will be Pop-ups which will be open for spontaneous ideas throughout the meeting.  The October 8th deadline will not be extended this year.


Election Results – Laura

Mat Darby and Cliff Hight are the Section’s newly elected Steering Committee members.  Jaimie Quaglino was elected Vice Chair/Chair elect. 

Everyone is encouraged to consider running for next year’s offices.


Outgoing officers and social media student intern - Ginny

Laura Uglean Jackson, Immediate Past Chair

Virginia Hunt, Chair

Adraina P. Cuervo, Steering Committee Member

Jaimie Quaglino, Steering Committee Member

Toni Rhorer, Social Media Intern


Call for volunteer for social media student intern – Ginny

The Section's social media intern, Toni Rhorer, who has done a great job maintaining the Section's social media presence, will be stepping down.  A new social media student intern is needed.  Please contact any of the Section officers if you are interested.



Presenters shared their knowledge and experiences with ingest and forensics tools, website capture, audiovisual materials, email, and developing polices for management and acquisition of electronic records.


Skip Kendall (Harvard University Archives):  Web archiving as an outreach and collection development tool

Cal Lee (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill):   BitCurator talk and demo  

Donald Mennerich (New York University):  Tools and approaches to appraise and acquire digital archival materials

Courtney Mumma (Artefactual/Archivematica):  Archivematica as an open-source digital preservation solution with strong adherence to professional standards and best practices

Joshua Ranger (AVPreserve):  Tools, metadata and ingest of audio visual materials

Josh Schneider (Stanford University Special Collections and University Archives):  ePADD


Respectfully submitted, Laura Sullivan, Chair, Acquisitions & Appraisal Section

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