Alison Stankrauff
University Archivist,
Wayne State University
"Being fully inclusive and recognizing the rich diversity of talents and sorts of professional experiences is of utmost importance to me. The Nominating Committee is the gateway to making opportunities for leadership and mentorship in the archival profession."
- University Archivist, Wayne State University, 2017–present.
- Campus Archivist and Associate Librarian, Indiana University South Bend, 2004–2017.
- Archival Resident, Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives, 2003–2004.
- Technician, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University, 2002–2003.
- Masters in Library and Information Science, Archival Administration Program, Wayne State University.
- Bachelors in History, Antioch College.
- Leadership Training: Archives Leadership Institute at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, 2011.
- Society of American Archivists (selected): Reference, Access and Outreach Section, Chair (2017–2018); College and University Archives Section, Chair (2012–2013); Mentoring Subcommittee, Co-Chair (2012–2014); Issues and Advocacy Roundtable, Chair (2010–2012); Lone Arrangers Round Table, Co-chair (2010–2008), Philip M. Hamer and Elizabeth Hamer Kegan Award Committee (2011–2014).
- Midwest Archives Conference: MAC Pals Task Force; Program Committee; Nominating Committee; Program Committee, Co-chair (2008, 2011); Archie Motley Scholarship Award Committee, Chair; MAC Newsletter, Assistant Editor; Membership Committee.
- Wayne State University: University Sesquicentennial Committee; Organizational Culture and Talent Director Search Committee.
- Indiana University: Records Management Working Group; Indiana University Bicentennial Oral History Project Team; Indiana University Bicentennial Website Stakeholder Committee; Council of University Historians: Historian of the IU South Bend Campus, Institutional Repository Planning Committee.
- Co-authored with L. Anderberg, S. Hayes, J. Hurtado, R. Katz, M. MacIntosh Hodgetts, A. Nye, and A. Todd-Diaz. “Teaching the Teacher: Primary Source Instruction in North American Archives Graduate Programs," The American Archivist Vol. 81, no. 1 (Spring/Summer 2018).
- Co-authored with K. Chinery, A. Orchard, and Van Veen. “The Archival Mystique: Women Archivists are Professional Archivists,” The American Archivist Vol. 81, no. 1 (Spring/Summer 2018).
- Co-authored with Catherine Page-Vanore. "Partnership in the Preservation of Rustbelt Queer History," The Role of Agency and Memory in Historical Understanding: Revolution, Reform, and Rebellion, edited by Yosay Wangdi and Gordon Andrews (Cambridge Press, 2017).
- Co-authored with Tom Sommer and Michelle Ganz. "The How and Why of Mentoring," Journal of Western Archives Vol. 7, no. 1, Article 2 (2016).
- Co-authored with Catherine Page-Vanore and Katie Madonna Lee. “Partnership in the Preservation of Rustbelt Queer History,” Archive Journal 5.3 (2015).
- Review of Academic Archives: Managing the Next Generation of College and University Archives, Records, and Special Collections by Aaron D. Purcell, Journal of Archival Organization (Winter 2014).
- “Representation Without Leadership: Assessing Stress and Gender in the Archival Workplace,” Panelist, Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, 2017.
- “Legacy, Trust, and Legitimacy: Challenges in Developing and Promoting LGBTQ Collections in Small Repositories,” Panelist, Without Borders LGBTQ ALMS Conference, London, 2016.
- “Partnership in Preservation of Rustbelt Queer History,” Panelist, College Arts Association Conference, Washington, DC, 2016.
- FACET Leadership Institute Presentation, Indiana University Faculty Excellence in Teaching (FACET) Retreat, Nashville, Indiana, 2017.
- “The History Major and Beyond: Cross-disciplinary Instruction,” Panelist, Society of Indiana Archivists Conference, Muncie, Indiana, 2017.
An essential component of the Nominating Committee’s work is identification of rising and seasoned leaders within SAA and the archival profession who embody the varied facets of professional diversity. Describe how you interpret this core responsibility and how you will identify candidates who represent a variety of backgrounds and perspectives and who demonstrate commitment to SAA’s strategic goals.
In serving on the SAA Nominating Committee, being fully inclusive and recognizing the rich diversity of talents and sorts of professional experiences is of utmost importance to me. The Nominating Committee is the gateway to making opportunities for leadership and mentorship in the archival profession. The Nominating Committee has an opportunity to help to facilitate the diversification of the archival profession and its leaders. Serving on the Nominating Committee can help to create leadership opportunities across the profession—for those long-serving as well as newer leaders. It is critical to me to be as perceptive as I can to colleagues, and colleagues’ accomplishments, throughout SAA and the profession. I see a critical role of the Nominating Committee as staying close to SAA’s Strategic Goals, particularly in creating opportunities for members—at all levels, whether seasoned or newer to the profession—to be able, and welcome, to participate in the association. The SAA Nominating Committee is a leadership body that can be the gateway for diversification of the profession and can encourage new leaders. I have a deep passion for the profession and for the people in it. I welcome your support.