Council Exemplary Service Award: The Intellectual Property Working Group

Society of American Archivists
Council Exemplary Service Award



WHEREAS the Intellectual Property Working Group (IPWG) represents SAA on key litigation and resolutions related to intellectual property and copyright, as well as responding in a timely fashion to requests from SAA Council for background information and recommendations on these specific matters; and

WHEREAS they track intellectual property issues and news that could impact the archives profession and SAA membership. By staying informed, they provide expert advice and draft issue briefs and policy positions for SAA Council approval on possible papers, statements, and other documents relating to intellectual property; and

WHEREAS they bring to the attention of SAA Council the possible areas of fruitful collaboration with other organizations that are interested in intellectual property and, under SAA Council direction or with its approval, cooperate with such organizations to further SAA’s interests; and

WHEREAS members of IPWG regularly represent SAA at the World Intellectual Property Organization meetings, educating global policymakers about the vital role of archives and the need for special copyright exceptions for librarians and archives, ensuring that the profession’s perspectives are heard; and

WHEREAS the Intellectual Property Working Group has promoted intellectual property education among archivists; members of IPWG have in their individual capacity taught SAA workshops, authored SAA-published books, and assembled regularly to provide interesting panels and discussion at SAA Annual Meetings;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Intellectual Property Working Group be honored with a 2022 SAA Council Exemplary Service Award for their outstanding contributions and representation to the Society’s involvement with intellectual property matters.


Present August 27, 2022.