Get Published!

Congratulations on being a presenter at ARCHIVES*RECORDS 2020. SAA invites you to consider sharing your presentation with an even broader audience by also submitting it for publication consideration in one of the following outlets:

  • American Archivist is the leading publication in the archives field. Although an oral presentation is different from a written article, you can still transform your presentation into a journal piece, with the additional benefit of feedback from the session chair, fellow speakers, and questions from the audience. Journal articles are typically about 8,000 words for research articles and surveys, and about 3,000 words for case studies and perspectives. Photographs and other illustrations may also be included. For example, see the “The Archival Mystique: Women Archivists Are Professional Archivists” by Alexandra A. A. Orchard, Kristen Chinery, Alison Stankrauff, and Leslie Van Veen McRoberts, which started as an SAA Annual Meeting presentation. The journal also welcomes papers that blend the shorter presentations from a panel into a longer paper with citations and additional commentary. Learn more about the journal’s editorial policy or contact the editor CHRISTOPER (CAL) LEE.
  • Book Publishing. SAA publishes a mix of print and digital resources on a variety of topics that serve the archives profession as well as nurture new and veteran voices. You can help build on that history by submitting a prospectus for a book-length manuscript. Ideas welcome! Other options include the series Archival Futures, which critically engages issues as—and for—the public good (20,000 to 50,000 words); or Trends in Archives Practice, an open-ended series of modules featuring authoritative treatments (10,000 to 20,000 words in length) that fill significant gaps in the archival literature. Learn more here or contact Publications Editor STACIE WILLIAMS.

Now is your opportunity to get published by SAA!

Annual Meeting referenced: 

SAA Code of Conduct

We value and respect our diverse guests, volunteers, service providers, and staff members. We expect all of our attendees to do the same. Read the SAA Code of Conduct.