2002 Western Washington University Student Chapter Report

2002-2003 Student Members:
Lisa Cohen, Coordinator
Sarah Nelson, Asst. Coordinator
Caitlin Frost
Vicki Cohen
David Boyd
Begetta Crisp
Amy Cubellis
Ruth Steele
Erin Whitsel-Jones
Amber Raney
Jason Viers
Mark Kifowit
Virginia Walkowski

Randall Jimerson, Faculty Liaison



Coordinated by Rand, a group of students met in October to bring the first-year students into the loop, introduce ourselves, and select officers. Second-year students spoke of their internships. Possible goals and activities for the chapter were discussed. Another casual meeting occurred several weeks later to continue discussing possible activities.

The first event was a talk given by two professors: Dr. Steven Garfinkle, professor of Ancient History, and Dr. Peter Diehl, professor of Medieval History. They talked on December 4th, 2001, to a small audience about their experiences with using primary documents, and the challenges and pleasures involved in their respective research efforts.

The next event was a visit from Seattle area records managers Jeff (NARA) and Barbara (University of Washington) Benson. They talked on January 8th about the systems they work to implement throughout their respective institutions, their careers, and some general aspects of the field. Again, a small group attended, almost entirely consisting of students and faculty.

The Experience Music Project Archives in Seattle was the next destination for the chapter. On Friday, February 8th, a group of students toured the EMP and the offsite archives. Kirsti Scutt, the archivist, explained the digital cataloging system and the ways it can be searched. The archives­ main efforts were on preserving audio and digital file. However, they also have a number of artifacts from the many colorful figures in modern music history. She explained how these are photographed from a number of angles for research purposes Ï to reduce the need for handling.

Our next activity was a trip to the Lummi Archives. The Lummi are a native nation, just outside Bellingham. On February 22nd, students toured facility of the Lummi Records and Archives and were given a mini lecture from Juanita Jefferson the archivist, about the importance of Native American archives-to save history for future generations, and to control their own records. She talked a little about access to records and the sensitivity of some collections; some were restricted from the tour.

In March we had a potluck dinner at Rand­s house. Among other things, first- and second-year students discussed their experiences applying what they had learned to their practical experiences.

In April a number of students and Rand attended the NorthWest Archivists­ Convention in Corvallis, Oregon. For many, it was a first-time opportunity to attend a professional conference. Erin Whitsel-Jones and Jason Viers were presented with academic scholarships from NWA.