2003-2004 Student Members:
Michelle Sweetser, Fall President
Meg Glass, Winter President
Meg Glass, Fall Vice Presidents
Dharma Fowler, Winter Vice Presidents
Amy Scott, Secretary
Jan Johansson, Treasurer
Dharma Fowler, Publicity Chair
Leslie Knoblauch, Social Chair
Rachael Hu, Webmaster
Elizabeth Yakel, Faculty Advisor
The University of Michigan Student Chapter of the Society of American Archivists had a very busy year with events ranging from tours and panels to special speakers and brown bags. The chapter enriched the SI community by hosting social events such as potlucks, bowling night, and a very popular chocolate tasting. The chapter also collaborated with other SI student organizations to host several joint events.
Throughout the year, the chapter held weekly Happy Hours for students, faculty and friends. The chapter raised money to fund chapter activities by selling “Michigan Archives” t-shirts and sweatshirts and raffling two homecoming football tickets. The chapter also received funding from the Michigan Student Assembly to bring Leith Johnson, co-curator at the Wesleyan Cinema Archives, to the School of Information to give his SAA 2003 Annual Meeting presentation, "Spotlight on Archives: The Profession as Depicted on the Silver Screen."
The chapter is a recognized University of Michigan student group and has a University bank account. More chapter information can be found at http://www.si.umich.edu/SAA/.
2003-2004 EVENTS
- Welcome Back Potluck
- Tour of Clements Library, University of Michigan
- Speaker: Eric Ketelaar, professor of archivistics at the University of Amsterdam, “Visibilities and Invisibilities: Archives, Libraries, and Museums”
- SAA/Student Association of School Librarians Apple and pumpkin picking, Talladay Farms and Wasem Fruit Farm
- Tour of Gerald R. Ford Library
- Brown Bag Lunch with Sam Jacob, MSI ’03, “Archival Activities in Botswana”
- Brown Bag Lunch with Frank Boles, Society of American Archivists council member and director of the Clarke Historical Library at Central Michigan University, “Resources for Members of the Society of American Archivists”
- Annual reception for archives students, faculty and professionals, Bentley Historical Library
- Tour of Kelsey Museum, University of Michigan
- Bowling Night
- SLA/SAA Field trip to Benson Ford Research Center
- Speaker: Nancy Bartlett, head of University Archives and Records at the Bentley Historical Library, “How to Get Published in Academic Journals”
- Speaker and Film Presentation: Leith Johnson, co-curator at the Wesleyan Cinema Archives, “Spotlight on Archives: The Profession as Depicted on the Silver Screen”
- Tour of Kaleidoscope Books and Collectibles
- SAA Winter Dinner
- Resume and Career Workshop
- Valentine’s Chocolate Tasting Even
- Movie Night: “Party Girl”
- Tour of Papyrus Collection, University of Michigan
- Tour of Detroit Observatory, University of Michigan
- Speaker: Stephanie Krueger, MSI ’99 and outreach and education specialist for the Journal Storage (JSTOR) project, “JSTOR: The Scholarly Journal Archive's Past, Present and Future”