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2004-2005 Student Members:
Greg Adams
Deena Adelman
Lauren Bene
Lydia Bonacorda
Peter Brauer
Kimberley Braun
Adelaide Brown
Kathleen Brown
Joseph Burcham
Darryl Byrd
Tom Connors, Faculty
Erin Corley
Bruce Dearstyne, Faculty Advisor
Anthony Dellureficio
Kevin Fries, President
Kathryn Fritz
Erin Greenwell
Megan Guglielmi
Bradley Houston
Robert Jenson
Jennifer Johnson, Secretary
Keith Kisser
Christina Lehman
Paula Larich
Michael Maggioncalda
Raphael Mazzone
Meaghan McCarthy
Courtney Michael
Jennifer Muter
Jennifer Nichols
Jordan Patty
Anne Perrera
Ambika Sankaran
Kristin Schmachtenberg
Julie Schweitzer, Treasurer
Ariel Segal
Carolyn Sheffield
Magan Smith
Sara Snyder
Sarah Stimson
Keith Swaney
Amber Thiele
Claire Uziel
Jessica Wagner
Evviva Weinraub
Michael Yates
February 13, 2004: Tour of Information Technology Department, McKeldin Library
SAM members and other students received a technical tour of the major academic library on the University of Maryland’s (UM) campus.
February 19, 2004: Tour National Geographic Society
SAM members and other students received a joint archives/special library tour of the Society. Students met with Karen Huffman, a College of Information Studies (CLIS) alum, and were shown resources available to researchers and the general public.
March 1, 2004: DC Archives letter writing campaign
Sponsored by SAM members to solicit support for the DC Archives.
March 5, 2004: Meeting with John Fleckner
SAM members and other students met and spoke with John Fleckner of the Smithsonian Archives Resource Center located in the National American History Museum.
March 17-19, 2004: Annual Booksale and Bakesale
Annual fundraiser supplied and staffed by SAM members.
March 18, 2004: Robert Sink Lecture
Robert Sink, Chief Archivist at the Center for Jewish History spoke on “Issues, Trends, and Controversies in Archives,” including comments on advocacy, and the recent controversy surrounding the Giuliani Papers.
March 19, 2004: Tour of AV, Archives Center, Smithsonian Institution
Wendy Shea, Audiovisual Archivist at the Archives Center, lectured on AV media, their care, and preservation issues to SAM members and other students.
April 16, 2004: Tour of National Museum of Health and Medicine Archives, Walter Reed Army Medical Center
SAM members and other students participated in a tour of the archives of the National Museum of Health and Medicine.
April 17, 2004: The Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities Session on the DC Archives
SAM members attended the panel discussion on the state of the DC archives.
April 23-24, 2004: Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference Spring Meeting, Rosslyn, Virginia
SAM members attended the meeting.
May 7, 2004: Panel Discussion on the Nomination of the Archivist of the United States
Panel speakers included Frank Burke (former Deputy Chief Archivist, former SAA President), Tom Connors (Curator, National Public Broadcasting Archives), and Lee Strickland (Director, Center for Information Policy), moderated by Dr. Susan Davis (UM) sponsored by SAM to discuss the issues related to the nomination of the next Archivist of the United States.
May 24, 2004: Annual Alumni Pizza Party
CLIS alumni spoke about their work experiences in the archival world during a pizza party.
August 2004: Completion of SAM promotional activities
Over the summer SAM members redesigned the SAM web site, created new SAM brochures, stickers, and bookmarks.
August 2-8, 2004: Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts
SAM members attended the annual meeting. SAM displayed a poster of the group’s activities for 2003-2004.
August 21, 2004: Annual Summer BBQ/Picnic
Current, future, and past SAM members were rained out of a summer picnic in the park, and adjourned to the rain location, Michael Maggioncalda’s, to hold the picnic.
September 9, 2004: SLAM welcome event sponsored by SAM, the Special Libraries Association (SLA), School Library Media Specialist Student Association, and the American Society for Information Science & Technology.
New students in the various information sciences tracks met with representatives from student groups over light refreshments.
September 16, 2004: SAM Welcome Meeting
An introductory meeting for new members, the meeting provided an opportunity to meet other archives students and discuss upcoming events.
September 22, 2004: International Council on Archives Brown Bag Lunch
SAM member Beth Schuster and Tom Connors, National Public Broadcasting Archives, shared their experiences at the ICA conference in Austria.