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Peter Chan is a Digital Archivist at Stanford University. Peter served as the Project Manager for the ePADD (Email - Process, Appraise, Discover, Deliver) project and was a member of the AIMS (An Inter-Institutional Model for Stewardship) project. The AIMS project was the recipient of the NDSA (National Digital Stewardship Alliance) Innovation Award in 2012 and the ePADD project was the recipient of same award in 2017. ePADD was also the recipient of the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) Software Sustainability Institute Award for Research and Innovation in 2018. Peter pioneered the use of AccessData FTK to appraise and process born-digital collections, and built workstation to read 8 inch floppy disks. Peter was a visiting digital archivist at the Royal Library of Copenhagen in 2015 and at the Computerspiele Museum, Berlin in 2017. He is a Fulbright Specialist and the Co-Chair of the International Videogame Data Network (IVDN).
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