Panel Discussion of Defining a Discipline at ICHORA 2020

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The ICHORA 2020 virtual conference features a special event celebrating Defining a Discipline: Archival Research and Practice in the Twenty-First Century, edited by Jeannette A. Bastian and Elizabeth Yakel and published by SAA in March.

Read the September/October Issue of Archival Outlook

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This digital-only issue of Archival Outlook is packed with stories of outreach: An archives collecting the University of Maine’s response to COVID-19 connects with new donors and shows how archives are relevant now. Archives staff, alumni, and faculty at the University of Arkansas collaborate to digitize two key collections on the university’s history.

September Council Virtual Meeting Minutes Available

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October 6, 2020—Minutes from the September 23, 2020, Council virtual meeting are available here

For highlights from this meeting, see this news item

SAA Remembers Dr. David B. Gracy II

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SAA Fellow, past president, and indefatigable archives champion Dr. David B. Gracy II, 79, passed away September 26, 2020. He is revered for the breadth of his professional contributions throughout his storied career as well as the warmth of his personality.

SAA Council Approves Guidelines on Access to Research Materials, Plans Upcoming Listening Sessions

September 25, 2020—At its September 23 virtual meeting, the SAA Council:

August 7 Council Meeting Minutes Available

September 16, 2020—Minutes from the August 7, 2020, Council virtual meeting are available now here

Want an Inclusive Profession? Support the Mosaic Scholarship Fund!

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You can help the archivists of the future
by donating to the Mosaic Scholarship Fund today!


Call for Volunteers: New Crisis, Disaster, and Tragedy Response Working Group

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September 8, 2020—At its August 3 meeting, the SAA Council created a standing Crisis, Disaster, and Tragedy Response Working Group whose principal charge is to “maintain and update SAA’s Documenting in Times of Crisis: A Resource Kit; develop and provide immediate and ongoing resources and response assistance to archivists, allied cultur