Call for Member Comments: SAA Strategic Plan Dashboard (2023-2025)

- Comments: 11

January 19, 2022—The SAA Council seeks member comment by February 4 on a new draft of the SAA Strategic Plan Dashboard for fiscal years 2023–2025.

The Council began review of the dashboard in fall 2021, per the established regular strategic planning cycle. This proposed draft consolidates significant updates from the current FY 2020–2022 dashboard as well as incorporating new actions and activities, most notably from the recent SAA Work Plan on DEIA.

Library and Archives Associations Call on Members to Take Action on US National Day of Racial Healing

On January 18, 2022, the sixth annual US National Day of Racial Healing, the American Library Association (ALA), the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), and the Society of American Archivists (SAA) call upon our collective memberships—comprised of several hundred thousand archivists, librarians, and other information professionals, and thousands of libraries and archives of all kinds—to observe the

Severe Tornado Support + Recovery Resources

December 15, 2021—Our hearts go out to so many people in the wake of the devastating tornadoes in Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Illinois, Mississippi, and Missouri. Even though a major disaster has been declared only for Kentucky (to date), the Heritage Emergency National Task Force is prepared to support state cultural agencies, arts organizations and cultural institutions, and local and state government entities that have been affected.

New Book Invites Archivists to Embrace the Concept of Virtue in Their Work

Archival Virtue: Relationship, Obligation, and the Just Archives, a new book by Scott Cline published by the Society of American Archivists, explores ideas of moral commitment, truth, difference, and just behavior in the pursuit of archival ideals. Drawing from the writings of philosophers, religious scholars, progressive activists, historians, poets, and archivists, Cline makes a compelling argument for incorporating the multilayered idea of virtue in archivists’ everyday work.

New Blog Post: "Optimism Is the Only Practical Solution"

December 2, 2021—A new blog post has been added to Off the Record, the SAA Leaders blog hosted by the SAA President.