SAA Supports Library Stabilization Fund Act

July 6, 2020—SAA has signed on in support of an ALA-led legislative initiative—the Library Stabilization Fund Act—that would establish a $2 billion fund to address financial losses and bolster library services, with priority to the hardest-hit communities. The fund would be administered by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The bill was introduced on July 2 by Senator Jack Reed (RI) and Representative Andy Levin (MI-9), with some three dozen bipartisan cosponsors.

The funding would provide:

  • $1.7 billion to be distributed to local libraries through state library agencies based on state population, with a minimum of $10 million to each state.
  • $45 million in formula grants to Tribal libraries.
  • $200 million in competitive grants to strengthen library services to communities affected by COVID-19.
  • $40 million for IMLS to administer grants and conduct research and data collection related to the impact of COVID-19.

The funds would keep nearly 370,000 library workers on the job, defray costs related to safe re-opening, and support a range of library services to millions of patrons, including high-speed internet access and digital literacy training.

SAA strongly encourages all archivists to reach out to your Members of Congress in support of the LSFA!

For more information:
One-page summary of the bill
ALA press release
ALA action alert


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