SAA Joins CoSA in Statement on Texas Legislative Records

April 9, 2019—SAA has endorsed the Council of State Archivists’ (CoSA) statement expressing concern about Texas House Bill 1962, which would change the existing statutes governing archival records of the Texas legislature. Read the statement here.  

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98337 says:
As someone who understands

As someone who understands the critical importance of preserving legislative records, I am glad to see that the Society of American Archivists (SAA) has joined the Council of State Archivists (CoSA) in issuing a statement on Texas Legislative Records. The statement urges the Texas Legislature to preserve all electronic records, including email correspondence and social media posts, as well as to provide adequate funding to ensure their long-term preservation. I'll explore this one after searching for photo booth rental near me so I can focus on this.