UPDATE: 2018 SAA Election

A recent change has been made to the 2018 SAA election ballot. Due to unforeseen circumstances, candidate for Council Jill Severn has chosen to step out of the election. The Nominating Committee has now added Ashley Todd-Diaz of the Towson University Library to the slate for the Council. See the new, complete slate for the 2018 election below. Information about each candidate will be posted to the SAA website in January.

Vice President/President-Elect

  • Pam Hackbart-Dean Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
  • Michelle Light - University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Treasurer (Three-year term)

  • Amy Fitch Rockefeller Archive Center
  • Tim Pyatt Wake Forest University

Council (Three-year term)

  • George Apodaca Harvard University
  • Melissa Gonzales - Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
  • Petrina Jackson - Iowa State University
  • Jamie Martin - IBM Corporation Archives
  • Ricky Punzalan University of Maryland, College Park
  • Ashley Todd-DiazTowson University Library

Nominating Committee

  • Grace Danico Execpro Inc.
  • Dinah Handel - NYPL/XFR Collective
  • Jasmine Jones - Smith College Libraries
  • Dominique Luster Carnegie Museum of Art
  • Dan Noonan The Ohio State University
  • Alison Stankrauff - Wayne State University

Any eligible member of SAA may also be placed on the ballot by submitting a petition signed by fifty individual members; petitions must be received in the SAA office by February 10, 2018.

The online ballot will be administered by VoteNet Solutions in March.

1 Comment(s) to the "UPDATE: 2018 SAA Election"
lunwen says:
