Directory of Archival Consultants Listing Price Reduced!

Do you want to grow your archives consulting business?

With more than 30,000 unique site visitors each month, SAA's website provides a great way to market your consulting services to prospective clients. As North America's oldest and largest national association dedicated to the archives profession, SAA is a recognized, reliable source of information for archivists and members of the public on all aspects of archives and archiving.

Be a part of it!  List your consulting business in SAA's Directory of Archival Consultants today!

We're delighted to announce that we've both reduced the cost of Directory listings and simplified the process of creating your listing.

Listings in SAA's Directory of Archival Consultants are published at the following annual rates:

Special discounted rate in 2019 – 50% off!

SAA Members:                $198 / year    $99 / year

Nonmembers:                 $396 / year  $198 / year

Because of this special rate, any listings placed in 2019 will be charged for the full year, regardless of placement or cancellation date. No refunds are available.  For your best value, place your listing now, effective January 1, 2019!  All listings expire on December 31, 2019.

Note that you can enhance your listing-at no additional charge-by adding a personal photo or company logo, including multiple locations with contact names for each, and uploading file attachments. 

Upon receipt of your order, the SAA Service Center will provide you with a listing form and instructions.

If you have questions or need assistance, contact or call 1-866-722-7858.