Spring Cleaning Book Sale!

Unbeatable prices on select print titles for a limited time only 

Offer valid April 21–May 8, 2017.  While supplies last.


Books for $15 each . . .

Controlling the Past: Documenting Society and Institutions
List $56 (SAA Members $39.95)

Many Happy Returns: Advocacy and the Development of Archives
List $56 (SAA Members $39.95)

Navigating Legal Issues in Archives
List $69.95 (SAA Members $49.95)

 *        *        *

Books for $10 each . . .

Archival Internships: A Guide for Faculty, Supervisors, and Students
List $29.95 (SAA Members $24.95)

Becoming a Trusted Digital Repository (Module 8)
List $29.99 (SAA Members $19.99) 

Describing Archives: A Content Standard
List $29.95 (SAA Members $24.95)

College and University Archives: Readings in Theory and Practice
List $54.95 (SAA Members $39.95)

Encoded Archival Description Tag Library - Version EAD3
List $29.95 (SAA Members $24.95)

How to Keep Union Records
List $49 (SAA Members $35)

Managing Congressional Collections
List $19.95 (SAA Members $19.95)

Norton on Archives: The Writings of Margaret Cross Norton on Archival and Records Management
List $45 (SAA Members $35)

Protecting Your Collections: A Manual of Archival Security
List $30 (SAA Members $25)

Waldo Gifford Leland and the Origins of the American Archival Profession
List $62.95 (SAA Members $44.95)

Happy Spring!

1 Comment(s) to the "Spring Cleaning Book Sale!"
Marko says:
Spring Cleaning Book Sale

Spring Cleaning Book Sale sounds like a fantastic opportunity to refresh your reading collection! While you're tidying up your bookshelves, why not consider sprucing up your academic literature collection as well? If you're in need of expertly crafted literature review papers to enhance your research, check out the offerings at https://www.nursingpaper.com/ It's the perfect time to invest in both leisure reading and academic resources. Happy reading and researching!