SAA Urges FCC to Preserve Existing Net Neutrality Provisions

December 4, 2017—In a letter today from SAA President Tanya Zanish-Belcher to FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai, she notes that, “The principles of network neutrality are indispensable for the transparent and democratic distribution of information available online from tens of thousands of archival repositories throughout the country.” She concludes, “The current FCC proposal undermines the ability of archives to provide equitable and unfettered access to our shared cultural heritage and will penalize users of archival information from many research communities…. Accordingly, we strongly urge the FCC to preserve existing network neutrality protections.” Read the full letter, drafted by SAA’s Committee on Public Policy, here.

3 Comment(s) to the "SAA Urges FCC to Preserve Existing Net Neutrality Provisions"
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