SAA Remembers Mark A. Greene

Mark A. Greene, SAA Fellow and past president, died in a car accident on June 21, 2017. Best known for “More Product, Less Process,” which he co-authored with Dennis Meissner, Mark’s true passion was for what he considered the art of archival appraisal—the willingness to make the hard choices. His other passion was acting as a mentor for archivists entering the field and those navigating the minefields of administration. He adored his wife, Kathy Marquis. He loved archival work. And dogs. And his friends. We will all miss him, but he left much behind for generations to chew over and digest.

38 Comment(s) to the "SAA Remembers Mark A. Greene"
lunwen says:


102329 says:
I'm glad to see this

I'm glad to see this informative content, thank you for sharing this here. Fence installation

Kath says:
No matter how well-known he

No matter how well-known he became, he was always open to talking to us little men at meetings and conferences. Every time Mark's name appears on an article or conference session, my first thought is never about the substance and is always about Mark. We will sincerely miss him. 

gobi blocks

mstrom says:
Mark Greene

I cannot overstate the impact Mark has had on my career. Early on, MPLP provided me the framework to begin to establish myself in the profession. Years later, Mark helped persuade me to leave the comfort of what I knew in university archives and make the leap to state archives. Once I arrived in Wyoming, Mark did everything he could to help me succeed. He was so generous with his time, his knowledge, and his friendship. He had words of encouragement for me every time we met and our meetings were instrumental in helping me weather a steep learning curve.

I have so many stories I could tell about how Mark helped me over the years, but I think my favorite is about something he did for a colleague of mine. She was just starting in the profession and had her first article published in one of the regional associations' newsletters. Mark took the time to write her a note saying how much he enjoyed the article. She walked on air the rest of the week.

I will miss our conversations about archival practice and management, but I will miss his friendship most of all.

Mike Strom 

D'Ent2918 says:
Fond Memories

When I was a young archivist with only a BA, personal circumstances landed me in Wisconsin from my native Boston. Rick Pifer of the Wisconsin Historical Society recommended that I talk to his good friend, Mark Greene, at an upcoming meeting. As I sat  down with Mark, I was quite nervous, but Mark soon put me at ease by making all sorts of irreverent and funny comments about our profession. What a warm welcome into the MAC family! Little did I know that I was speaking with a soon-to-be titan in our field. No matter how big his reputation grew, he was always willing and happy to speak with us little guys at meetings and conferences. Every time I see Mark's name on an article or conference session, I think first not of the content, but of Mark himself. He will be sorely missed.

Susan D'Entremont

racameron says:
Mark Greene

Friends and Fellows:

I join my colleagues and friends in mourning the death of Mark Greene. He was a colleague and friend for more than 30 years and one I held in special esteem.

Our paths crossed many times over that period of time: in Minnesota and DC, at the Minnesota Historical Society where he succeeded me as Curator of Manuscripts, at MAC and SAA meetings, in projects that Mark undertook—sometimes with NHPRC funding assistance, in a fishing boat, and in hotel rooms with a glass of single malt and an archival conundrum. 

I enjoyed his wit, his intellect and his humor; I admired his modesty, tenacity, fairness and commitment; I wondered at his capacity for hard work and for creating and sharing useful products. He was an archivist’s archivist, combining principle and practice. I think of him as a post-modern-William James-kind of archivist. Sorry Mark, I know that is not very concise. 

What sticks in my mind just now is his SAA Presidential address about archival values. At the end of that speech Mark said: “I am convinced that if we are to be confident in answering such questions as Who Am I? and Why Am I Here?, we need to wrestle with a set of values. In addition, ...I believe we need to reshape our attitudes as well. We need to be consistently proud, creative, aggressive, and optimistic.”  Mark lived his values and he made a difference to his profession and in the many lives he touched. We should all be so blessed.

Dick Cameron

cary5017 says:
Paying it forward

Losing Mark so suddenly and tragically heightens my sense of need to continue to mentor and support each other in our chosen profession.   I never worked for him directly, but I was fortunate enough to serve with Mark in both SAA and MAC. And I don't claim to know why, but Mark chose to mentor me, encouraging me to undertake leadership opportunities when I wasn't quite sure of my ability, listening and answering questions, always ready for a chat.  Quite simply, I would not be professionally involved in the way that I am without Mark's mentorship.  Mark was also one of my favorite authors on all things archival.  The fact that he encouraged me to become involved in the literature through service on Archival Issues and The American Archivist was all the more significant to me because it came from him. 

The loss of Mark Greene is deeply felt in our profession -- the comments here indicate how beloved Mark was both professionally and personally.  For myself, I can only overcome some of my own personal sadness by making more efforts to mentor new archivists, and to continue to be involved in the archival literature -- honoring the impact that Mark had on me.  Peace and comfort to Kathy, to Mark's family, and to all....

Amy Cooper Cary

CLDishman says:
So sad...

So very sorry for Kathy and the rest of the archival community to hear about Mark.  What a great guy - so helpful to so many, as well as really smart and humorous.

Katie Dishman

kathleenroe says:
Memories of Mark

So many of our colleagues have offered eloquent tributes to Mark Greene and his contributions to our profession.  It has been comforting to read them.  Mark leaves behind a thoughtful, inspiring, and challenging body of literature as a gift to current and future members of our profession.  The thing I most regret that they will not be able to experience however, is the personal and professional generosity as well as humility that characterized the encounters many of us had with Mark.

 I still recall a dinner over 20 years ago that I had with him and Frank Boles when I really needed both theoretical and practical advice to move forward with a documentation planning initiative that our NY State Historical Records Advisory Board wanted to put in place.   The article that Mark and Todd Daniels-Howell did on the “Minnesota Method” really gave me a lot to think about—and a lot of questions.   Despite a busy schedule at the SAA meeting, Mark and Frank graciously let me pepper them with questions throughout dinner (and didn’t even pop antacids--at least not in my presence.)  As we were leaving, I so clearly recall Mark turning to me at the restaurant door, and saying “Were we any help at all to you?”  I will never forget the look on his face--one of genuine concern and a desire to “be of help” to someone to whom he owed nothing, but wanted to assist nonetheless.  They were so very helpful--and it made all the difference to me.

  Incredibly gifted, witty, and incisive people are not always the best at interacting with others—not so with Mark.   Along with all the brilliant words and thoughts, he had a truly generous spirit.  I will so very much miss his warm voice, his incredible dedication to our profession, and his great, great heart. 

Nicol4321 says:
Mark A Greene

I am so saddened to hear of Mark's passing.  I knew of him when, as a young librarian trying to build a new archive for my town, I began attending every Chicago MAC meeting.  I believe I met him when I attended a Chicago SAA meeting and attended the lunch for first time attendees.  I agree with others that he treated me like a colleague from the moment he said hello.  It was a privilege to know him and to have been exposed to his ideas in panel discussions and through his writings.  Aren't we all blessed that he wrote so well and that we will always have his ideas in print?  I currently have an Archives intern.  When I told her of his passing, she said, "We just discussed him in class yesterday."  Generations will know his wisdom and his dedication to the preservation of our history and his ideas on making it more readily accessible.

Rest in peace, Mark, knowing you have left the world and the Archival World a better place. My symapthies to his wife and family, and to all of those who were his friends.

Jane Nicoll, Park Forest Historical Society

weideman says:

Mark and I became friends in 1982 when we were both graduate students at the University of Michigan and it was a friendship I treasured throughout our three plus decades together.  To say that I am saddened at his passing doesn’t do justice to the sense of loss I feel.  For me he was always the most intelligent archivist I ever knew.  There wasn’t a subject he couldn’t talk about and I always felt so much smarter after one of our archival phone conversations.  I never failed to learn something new, or think in different ways, from reading his articles and listening to his conference presentations.  Mark knew that we were working on a festschrift to honor him, one that is focused on how archivists interpret and adhere to the Core Values Statement that was adopted by SAA in 2012, four years after Mark issued the clarion call for such a statement in his presidential address.  Those of us who read drafts of that address knew how important he thought it was to define our power through articulating the values that govern our work and profession.  If he had been able to read the festschrift Mark would have seen that power manifested in a myriad of ways across the profession.   That is a most fitting tribute to him. 

As a friend, there were none better.  For Mark, friendship was never a one way relationship but always two way.  If you had a problem, he wanted to help.  If he had a problem, he wanted others to help him think it through.  And he was great to share interests and adventures with.  We shared a love of dinosaurs and had many conversations and email exchanges about the latest discoveries, new books, television documentaries, and t-shirts.  He loved baseball, as many know, and I will never forget the softball games we played while in grad school when his ankles and knees still allowed him to run, or our conversations about The Art of Fielding when it came out.  He loved putting together model airplanes and I loved hearing him talk about the art of doing so.  All his friends could tell stories of what they shared with Mark and how much fun they had doing so.

Mark’s last five years were extraordinarily difficult.  I will always be grateful to Kathy – it is because of her that we had Mark as long as we did.  Her love and strength saw him through very dark and difficult times.  They were partners in every wonderful sense of the word.

Houston Oilers coach Bum Phillips was once asked whether star running back Earl Campbell was in a class by himself. To paraphrase Coach Phillips, “I don’t know if he was but when that class gets together it sure doesn’t take long to call roll.”  It’s the way I feel about Mark.  If he wasn’t in a class by himself, there weren’t many others with him.  He’ll be a part of us for a long time to come.




jwurl says:
It’s 4:30, and my calendar

It’s 4:30, and my calendar says “Mark G.”  Time for one of our occasional phone conversations, which we’ve been doing for the past several months.  Friday happy hour, though we never called it that.  It was almost more like a couple of old pals in a fishing boat.  I can’t place that call now, and it’s heartbreaking.

I first met him in Austin, TX in 1985 at SAA (the year of the infamous popcorn reception at the LBJ Library).  He and I had both just arrived at new jobs in Minnesota a few months prior.  He had gotten a gig I applied for, at Carleton College, so I was curious about him.  He came up after a session and introduced himself; if there was any lingering envy, it melted right away.  We were pretty tight as our careers and personal lives evolved from that point on.

This guy was so genuinely good and decent.  His character and work ethic, as it turned out, were what did make me envious of him.  Everyone in the archives business knows how influential his writings and presentations have been, whether you agreed with them or not.  But few know how unselfish he was with his time and what an honest, “what you see is what you get,” sense of integrity he owned.

Mark raised the volume of his spoken or written voice every now and then when things weren’t sitting well with him.  He cared, after all, and I think that even folks who observed a certain curmudgeonly streak knew that full well.

I’ve known few others who have had more reason to shake their fist at the world and its creator.  It was amazing to see how he would come out of increasing physical setbacks with positive resolve.  His kindness was never robbed from him, nor was his gratitude for friendship and collegiality.  One of our happiest conversations came shortly after his trip to Omaha this spring for the Midwest Archives Conference meeting, where he was honored with an emeritus award.  He was so moved by the honor and so pleased to see folks – his old boss, Jim Fogerty, his new mentee from Maryland, fellow awardee Cheri Thies, and so many others.

And his words of gratitude about his wife, Kathy, were profound and endearing whenever we would talk.  These kinds of things would come out in our conversations these past few months; the fact that we did reach a little deeper than the usual “guy talk” gives me some consolation.  But not an awful lot right now.  I’d rather be on the phone with him again.

Joel Wurl

dtorres54 says:
Remembering Mark Greene

My condolences to Kathy, loved ones, friends and colleagues. I went into my old teaching files yesterday afternoon for my Intro course on archives and special collections. It took me only a few minutes to find my marked-up copy of Mark's and Dennis' NHPRC report on "More Product, Less Process" that was published in American Archivist in 2005. I only saw Mark in person a few times over the years, but I'll never forget his intellect and how much he cared about our profession.

Hackb1227 says:
Archival Mentor to all

Like others, I am saddened by the loss of one of the archival icons, mentor and friend. I meet Mark through the Congressional Papers Roundtable-- a very active group--and Mark was never shy in sharing his insights in reappraisal and processing of political papers.  He later edited an article I wrote for Archival Issues.  What a fantastic experience.  It is people like Mark who encouraged me to be more active in SAA and the community as a whole. We will miss your wisdom and kindness. My heart goes out to his family and archival family.

-Pam Hackbart-Dean

eadkins57 says:
Mark Greene

I can't remember when I first met Mark, but over the decades we developed a deep mutual respect. I had the good fortune to work with him closely when he worked at Henry Ford Museum and I was at Ford Motor Company. I also leaned on him a lot when I was president of the Society of American Archivists, and he was Vice President/President-Elect. It was a joy to work with him. He was a masterful writer and had a brilliant mind. He was a fundamentally good person and I was honored to call him a friend. My thoughts and prayers are with Kathy as she copes with this terrible shock.

Elizabeth W. Adkins

Landi705 says:
Mark Greene made all of us better archivists

Everyone in our profession -- and colleagues in related professions -- was touched in some way by Mark Greene, through his writings, friendship, mentorship, casual conversations . . . the list could go on and on.

I had the honor and pleasure of serving with Mark on an NEH grant review panel in 2002. Many of you have mentioned his deep thinking. That is certainly one of the skills I remember him bringing to that panel.

We are all better archivists because of Mark. I hope there are plans being made for a Mark Greene celebration at our gathering next month in Portland.

Larry Landis

Robyn1500 says:
Mark Greene

I saw and spoke with Mark briefly at SAA two years ago and thanked him sincerely for his work. I remain very grateful that I had that opportunity. I often tell people that MPLP was a principal reason why I managed to stay at NMU and achieve some modest success.  Mark had an incredibly sharp mind and wrote in wonderfully clear, well-structured analytical prose. In fact, I used his articles in class as much for their example of how to write a cogent argument as for their archival content. 

As others have also written, Mark reminded me of the importance of constantly challenging and rethinking old ideas and old ways of doing things. He was a great role-model. 

If there is an after-life, I hope Mark finds one that is acid-free sans rusty staples. WHAT DO WE WANT!? MORE PRODUCT, LESS PROCESS!!!!!! WHEN DO WE WANT IT? NOW!!!! (save the bun)

cdibella says:
such a loss

As a young professional, many years ago now, I once interviewed for a job with Mark Greene. He questioned me on my processing practices, poking at what I had assumed were my deeply held beliefs about what processing was, in what I later realized was a preview of what he and Dennis Meissner were formulating for MPLP. I left with the overwhelming feeling of wanting to work for him someday, regardless of the specifics of the job. I wanted that (rarer than it should be) professional opportunity to be encouraged every day to question, to think, to learn, to reexamine.

Though I never got that chance to work for him (that he announced he was leaving to go turn around AHC made turning down that offer one of the easiest significant decisions I've ever had to make), Mark Greene informed so much of my professional thinking over the years and in some ways made the paths I've taken possible by changing the way we as a profession approach many aspects of our work. Seeing his byline or that seemingly unironic green font he used in my inbox was always a thrill and a signal that there was something very much worth my time there. I so admired his ability to take on conventional wisdom and to inspire us all to take pride and do better in so many areas in our profession. And his ability to do so with humor, with humility, and with great generosity of spirit.

Thank you, Mark Greene, for all you gave us, and, thank you, Kathy Marquis, for all that your long partnership made possible. My deepest sympathies and most fond thoughts are with you.
tonyadams says:
Wyoming will miss Mark

As Wyoming State Archivist, I had the pleasure of working with Mark and benefiting from his professional work within  the archives and records management profession.  He supported training programs, along with other activities, which assisted people within the state and outside too, with the proper tools to accomplish their work.  The people whose lives he touched, will continue to work at preserving historical records under their control, and this will benefit future generations.  My sympathy to his family and friends.

JMET says:
He made us better

Years ago Mark edited an article I wrote. Mark's combination of kindness and challenging me to think harder and write more clearly made this one of the most satisfying professional experiences I have ever had. Mark gave so much to so many in our field. We have lost one of our archives heroes.

Dough15773 says:
Crossing the Bar

We were scheduled to have our monthly phone call next Monday.
Yet he was on my mind yesterday. Several times in fact. Now I know why.
It goes without saying that Mark was a phenomenal archivist.
However, behind the brilliant writing and intellect, was one of kindest people anyone could ever know. 
There will never be another. The conversations we would have about the future of the profession, poltics, living in the midwest, dogs- everything. Mark always feared that he was not normally understood to be easygoing, approachable, or inclusive. There were some who said he was a stoic. Too traditional of an archivist.  But those who really knew Mark, knew that he had heart and the greatest passion for humanity that was ever changing and reflected in his work. As a mentor, he was someone that I admired, respected and aspired to. He could see manfestations of memory in every subject. When one would make a mistake, as humans so often do, you begin to doubt yourself.  Mark would remind you that even he was still learning. What archivist hasn't felt the uncertanity of not accepting a position? The guilt of taking one collection too many? Perhaps you should have appeased that donor more.  Maybe you shouldn't have sent the email wth the poorly wrougt sentence about the provost's budget cuts to the library.
No matter what the reason, Mark would respond to your momentatry self loathing with advice and anecdotes that were incredibly humorous and comfortng .  And during your highest points of taking on a new endevour that challenged you, Mark would again reach out and remind you of the depth of your knowledge and talent. He reminded you to believe in yourself And that was the greatest gift of all.  
As I sit here staring at a keyboard, tears in mye eyes, my stomach is in knots...all I can think of is that I never took that trip to Wyoming. Mark would always try to convince me to move there. I woulld always joke "I cannot move to Wyoming. I am black. Where will I get my hair done?"
And that is the kind of person Mark Greene was. He cared about you as a collegue. We would always have dinner at SAA just like other friends but after the annual meeting was over he would stay in touch.
I will miss you friend and I will still go to Wyoming someday because I promised you that I would and I will finish the book.
Thank you for still believing in me when I could nolonger myself.
Everything seems so small when there is no time.


Crossing the Bar


Sunset and evening star, 

      And one clear call for me! 

And may there be no moaning of the bar, 

      When I put out to sea, 

   But such a tide as moving seems asleep, 

      Too full for sound and foam, 

When that which drew from out the boundless deep 

      Turns again home. 

   Twilight and evening bell, 

      And after that the dark! 

And may there be no sadness of farewell, 

      When I embark; 

   For tho' from out our bourne of Time and Place 

      The flood may bear me far, 

I hope to see my Pilot face to face 

      When I have crost the bar.   

catherine.miller says:
Remembering Mark Greene


In my master's program, one of our assignments in our "Principles and Practices of Archives" class was to interview someone in the archives field. Our interviewees were chosen for us by our professor. If you haven't already guessed, my interviewee was Mark Greene. I will always remember our conversation. He was gracious with his time and happy to answer my wide breadth of questions about the archival profession, from talking about MPLP to the importance of appraisal to what he felt was the most important attribute for an archivist to possess. His answer to that last point? "Creativity – being able to look at tried and true processes, think about them in new ways that make them more efficient and relative to new users." Talking with Mark in my first semester of my program further confirmed for me that I wanted to be an archivist. The archives world, and the world as a whole, is dimmer for his absence. Though I never got the opportunity to meet Mark in person and thus did not know him on a personal level, I believe he would be okay with me closing my remarks by sharing these words from my interview with him. I asked him what his favorite part of being an archivist was. He replied, "My favorite part has always been the opportunity to introduce students of almost any age to historical material and watch their reaction." 


CGhering says:
Devastating news...

I never personally had the pleasure of working with Mark, but I learned so much from his articles and presentations. What a sad loss for his family, friends, and archival community. You will be missed Mark!

dbell says:
Honoring and Remembering Mark

I am so saddened to hear of Mark's passing. Though I was in awe of his knowledge I will remember laughing with him as we talked about a collection I picked up and shipped for him. I will remember his comments about becoming an SAA Council Member and the need to accept the difficulty of learning "how the sausage was made". I will remember the note from him when I was elected president and how grateful I was for his support. I will remember his smile and the pride he had when Kathy was named a fellow and the shock and pleasure on his face when he was honored for his service to the profession. We will long remember and treasure his writings.

 I know Kathy, his family and friends have suffered an incalculable loss. I hold you all in the light of peace.

Dmiller77 says:
A great loss to our community

I remember the first time I saw Mark Greene speak. It was in the summer of 2004 in Boston for a meeting of the New England Archivists. I was still a student and was in the company of Tom Hyry while on a processing fellowship at Yale. Two men stood up and talked about their theory, something they called More Product, Less Process. At the time I couldn't quite understand what the big deal was, but I knew it definitely WAS a big deal, seeing as how some members of the audience audibly booed during some parts of their talk and others jumped up to congratulate them at the end; to this day it's still the most excitement and buzz I've ever seen in a conference or research presentation. I have always felt lucky to have been present that day to witness this theory being brought into the field, and I'm thankful for brave people like Mark Greene and Dennis Meissner who speak up when they have an idea even when not everyone agrees with it. They have done some very important work for all of us. Today I mourn Mr. Greene's sudden passing along with my fellow archivists; may we celebrate his legacy for a long time to come.    

- Dana Miller

DianeVOC says:
The Death of Mark Greene

 I was shocked and saddened to hear of Mark's death. The year(s) I worked with Mark, Richard Pearce-Moses, and Rob Spindler on the SAA Glossary were full of learning, joy, amusement, and intellectual ferment.  Mark had an apt word for every concept and a concept for every word.  Mark was brilliant, well read, witty, tough, and funny as hell. He was a joy to work with as he lacked arrogance, but took no prisoners.

Mark was one of our profession's most compelling writers, able to articulate complex topics simply. He also was one of our best debaters as he always knew from where the other side was coming. If there was a professional award for verbal akido, Mark would have won it.  Mark was that unusual blend of being a deeoly thoughtful man of great knowledge and no nonsense leader, who could inspire and energize others.

Mark will be greatly missed by his profession and his friends as well as his family. My heart goes out to Kathy Marquis at this very dark time.  Mark will be quoted often, but he will never be forgotten.

Diane Vogt-O'Connor (Retired from the Library of Congress)

mmbell says:
Sad news

How sad I am to read this news. Mark and I served together on the manuscripts repositories section many years ago and I was always glad to see him at the annual meetings over the years. He served us so well for so long. Rest in peace, Mark. Deepest sympathies to your family and friends.

susanedavis says:
Mark Greene

I met Mark Greene back in the days when we all hung out at MAC meetings and was always impressed by his kindness and his intellect.  Mark represented a combination of the best characteristics of an individual and a professional colleague.  His writings were strong, articulate, and incredibly well-researched.  He didn't mind taking a controversial position to further professional discussion. Yet, he went out of his way to meet and mentor new archivists. My students were in awe of him.  My heart goes out to Kathy and his family.  

mcgovern60 says:

I never had an opportunity to work with Mark, though I admired him so much. He made so many contributions to the archival community - amazing. Thinking about Kathy and all of Mark's family. Very sad news. 

sxh36 says:
Senseless loss

I am shocked and deeply saddened by Mark's sudden, tragic death. My condolences go out to Kathy, and Mark's family and friends. What a loss--too young, too soon. --Sue Hamburger

slate says:
We'll miss you

Deepest condolences to Kathy and Family.
I'll never forget when the MPLP article started many of us in the Visual Materials Section to think about and apply Mark and Dennis' ideas to visual collections. At an annual meeting session on this subject in Washington, I started to get nervous once I realized Mark was in the audience. I was expecting rejoinders. To my pleasure, Mark complimented our papers and I think it pleased him to see colleagues taking MPLP into new directions. In private consultation when Mark was president, I had meaningful and productive discussions on several topics. Deep thinking as well as approachable and genial, that is how I will remember him. John Slate

vagtsrac says:
Dinner with a Mentor

When I was a student at UW-Madison, we created a t-shirt based on a classic State Historical Society display of the history of the paper clip. With the money we made selling them to other archivists at the MAC meeting in Madison, we went on a field trip to Minnesota to visit the Minnesota Historical Society and the Charles Babbage Institute. I don't remember much about the two repositories, but I will never forget dinner at a Chinese restaurant, at a big round table, with Mark Greene. As many have said before, he didn't treat us as students or someday archivists, but rather as colleagues. I have long aspired to be half the mentor Mark Greene was. My sympathy to Kathy, his family and many, many friends who are touched by this loss.

- Rachel Vagts

KNeptune says:
What a huge loss for all of

What a huge loss for all of us, but especially for Mark's family and friends. When I was still a student, he found the time to answer my questions about a recent article he had published, even though I asked him about it by chasing him down the hall at a conference. He was truly a gentleman, who brought such intelligence and consideration to every conversation. It would be difficult to overstate his impact.

SamWinn says:
What a loss

Beyond his many contributions to archival literature, I will always be grateful to Mark Greene for his generosity towards the Students and New Archives Professionals section. He was one of the first established archivists to embrace SNAP's mission, and he dedicated a great amount of time to sharing his experiences and expertise with SNAP members. I also had the good fortune of corresponding with him on a variety of topics these last few years, and I will forever cherish the depth and thoughtfulness of his messages. My deepest regards go out to Kathy Marquis, Dennis Meissner, and all of Mark's friends and family. What a loss.

rhankins0703 says:
Heartfelt condolences to

Heartfelt condolences to Kathy and family. I was on Council when Mark was President of SAA. He was always open to differing viewpoints and a generous colleague. He will be missed!

primemover says:
RIP, Mark. I first met you

RIP, Mark. I first met you when I was a student. We never got to know each other well, but the few times we spoke, you always had good advice. The respect you received from the profession is well-deserved.

elawrimo says:
I never worked with Mark, but

I never worked with Mark, but I did learn a lot (and think a lot) from his writings. His SAA presidential address on "The Power of Archives: Archivists' Values and Value in the Postmodern Age" is one of my favorites. He made a major impact on the profession and will be greatly missed.

michelle says:

I had the pleasure of working with Mark years ago on a SAA working group. His dedication was nothing short of awe inspiring. It is people like Mark who made me want to be more active in SAA and the community as a whole. Mark will be sorely missed. My heart goes out to his family and friends.