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Congratulations to the thirty-three new Digital Archives Specialists (DAS). These archivists, who represent a variety of repositories from around the country, earned a DAS Certificate from the Society of American Archivists (SAA) after completing required coursework within twenty-four months and passing comprehensive examinations in November 2013.
The innovative DAS Curriculum, developed by experts in the field of digital archives, is structured around seven core competencies: understanding the nature of records in electronic form; defining for a variety of audiences the requirements, roles, and responsibilities related to digital archives; formulating strategies and tactics for appraisal, description, management, organization, and preservation; integrating technology to provide access to digital collections; planning for the integration of new tools for successive generations of technology; curating, storing, and retrieving original masters and access copies of digital archives; and providing dependable organization and service to designated communities across networks. Participants complete nine required courses from four tiers addressing these competencies.
The new Digital Archives Specialists are:
A total of forty-seven people have earned Digital Archives Specialist certificates since the program began in October 2011. Currently, there are 600 participants in SAA’s DAS program who are working toward earning a certificate. For more information, visit http://www2.archivists.org/prof-education/das or contact SAA Education Director Solveig De Sutter (sdesutter@archivists.org).
Les nouveaux certificats de spécialiste des archives numériques de la Society of American Archivists permettent aux professionnels de valider leur expertise en gestion des documents numériques, en les distinguant des faux diplômes. Cette certification renforcera la crédibilité et les compétences des archivistes à l'ère du numérique.