SAA Comments on NARA Draft Strategic Plan

Citing “much in your draft that resonates with our own [strategic plan],” SAA President Jackie Dooley’s letter to NARA in response to the agency’s draft strategic plan suggests reconsidering the proposed objective of digitizing all analog records, adding an objective to encourage external professional involvement by NARA employees, and adding a statement emphasizing “the importance of NHPRC in supporting the national archival community by enabling access by more people to more historical records.” 

NARA-Strategic-Plan-SAA Comments-20130710.pdf235.04 KB
2 Comment(s) to the "SAA Comments on NARA Draft Strategic Plan"
104281 says:
I appreciate this plan.

I appreciate this plan. Thanks for sharing it and geometry dash breeze which provides thrilling adventures. Can you beat three levels in this game?

D'Ent2918 says:
Good Work

Thanks to all for going through this so thoroughly and commenting on it. The letter gives a lot of good input very succinctly, and says some things that the National Archives may need to hear from outside.