Save NHPRC from Devastating Budget Cuts

The House of Representatives has proposed cutting the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) funding for 2011 from $10 million to $4 million as part of its overall effort to reduce federal spending. This is a 60% reduction for this year alone, and it sets a very dangerous precedent for the upcoming 2012 budget negotiations.

The Council of State Archivists, the Society of American Archivists, the National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators, and the Association for Documentary Editing are working collaboratively to address this threat to NHPRC and the National Archives.  Archivists across the U.S. are rallying to stop serious cuts to NHPRC funding for 2011.

NHPRC needs funding of at least $8 million for 2011.

What can you do?

Act now! Between now and March 4, 2011:

Send e-mails/faxes on behalf of your organization to the members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, urging them to support funding for NHPRC of at least $8 million for FY 2011.

Circulate an action alert urging your members and colleagues to send emails or faxes or, better yet, call their Senators, urging them to fund NHPRC at a level of at least $8 million for FY 2011. Communications should come from individuals and organizations that have received NHPRC grants or from those who have benefited from the projectsgenealogists, local government officials, historians, teachers, and others.

View a sample letter for Senators here. Be sure to personalize it with examples and references to your institution or state. 

View a fact sheet on the importance of NHPRC here. Use or adapt it to share with your Senator.

To contact your Senators:

To contact members of the Senate Appropriations Committee:

1 Comment(s) to the "Save NHPRC from Devastating Budget Cuts"
Meeloun says:
