Readers Wanted!

Two new books from SAA are now available! To order, visit the SAA Bookstore or call toll-free 1-866-722-7858.

Controlling the Past: Documenting Society and Institutions—Essays in Honor of Helen Willa Samuels
Terry Cook, Editor
Twenty archivists honor retired MIT archivist Helen Willa Samuels by exploring the theme of documenting modern society and its institutions, and considering the implications arising from the archivist's control over social memory.
SAA 2011 / 442 pp., Soft Cover / Product Code: BOOKSAA-0572
List $56 (SAA Member Price $39.95)

Many Happy Returns: Advocacy and the Development of Archives
Edited by Larry Hackman
Twenty-three archivists and allied professionals provide sound advice about how you can advocate effectively for your archives. Also included are case studies that address a variety of advocacy experiences and methods.
SAA 2011 / 424 pp., Soft Cover / Product Code: BOOKSAA-0568
List: $56 (Member Price $39.95)


2 Comment(s) to the "Readers Wanted!"
Oswaldo says:
Thank you for sharing

Thank you for sharing your moonshine mountain journey so openly, it's inspiring to see how far you've come.

Oswaldo says:
You made some excellent about

You made some excellent about blank clothing points here, I’ll have to try this myself.