WARSEC meeting agenda
April 19, 2018 - 2 pm EST (11 am PST)
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Section business
- May 15: Deadline to issue call for (self-)nominations
- June 1: Deadline to provide SAA HQ with ballot information
- To include offices, names, links to “supplementary information”
- Let’s be sure to provide candidates statements on the microsite by this deadline
METRO Workshop
- On the agenda for 3-6PM on Wednesday, May 30. Karl and Sam to rally a program beforehand. Let’s publish all the materials openly afterwards, though. Where best to do so? Microsite? “Community” list library? OSF/LISSA? …?
- We’ve been dumped :-( Do we want to organize something for June or July in this place?
- Latest on the round-up and upcoming special topic/s?
SAA Annual
- Lae’l Hughes-Watkins has agreed to speak to the reasoning behind forming Project STAND and to introduce the S.A.V.E methodology for appraising digital records like, in our case, web archives:
- Stop and check your intentionality for archiving digital records (gaps in the record, accountability, outreach, etc.)
- Assess your relationship with the historically underrepresented community (has there ever been engagement, has it been positive, is there trust?)
- View your options. Should you use a post-custodial model, suggest other memory institutions if they choose not to donate with your institution, hold workshops on preservation, privacy, curation, safety?
- Educate yourself on how you can archive with care. Let the subjects lead on how they want to be represented in the archive.
- Alexis and I have been in touch with Tammi and Rachel in the meantime. We’ll next loop in Lae’l to get a date and time for a pre-conference check-in. Our agenda for the meeting will look something like this:
- Call to order, introductions, section business (~4 - 4:15)
- Presentations by and Q&A with invited guests (~4:15-4:50)
- Rachel Bergman, Sunlight Web Integrity Project
- Tammi Kim, Remembering 1 October
- Lae’l Hughes-Watkins, Project STAND
- Q&A
- Scenario planning (~4:50-5:15)
- Let’s use our time here to formulate the scenarios -- three of them? to complement the speakers’ perspectives? -- that groups will confront in this exercise.
Next meeting?