SNAP Steering Committee Meeting Minutes - 2021/09/29

SNAP Steering Committee 2021-2022
Meeting #01: 29 September 2021 
Time: 3pm Eastern; 2pm Central; 1pm Mountain; Noon Pacific

Attendance via Zoom: Michelle Novak (chair), Marissa Friedman (vice-chair), River Freemont (secretary), John Esh (steering committee), Lourdes Johnson (steering committee), Louise LoBello, Cristy Sanchez, Leah Tams, Eric Chin (SAA liaison)
  1. Welcome, Introductions
    1. Eric Chin was present to welcome new members and thank us for our volunteer efforts. Emphasized that he is available via email ( for any questions.
  2. Meeting Recording Policy
    1. Meetings will be recorded for the benefit of the secretary and those unable to attend. Recordings will be limited to Committee Members only and used for Committee business only. The recordings will be retained for approximately one month.
      1. Let Michelle know if you have any objections with this policy.
  3. Onboarding Overview
    1. The shared SNAP Google Drive will be reorganized. New system will utilize subject folders rather than folders by the year. This will be more convenient to navigate. It will also help us to reference past activities as we brainstorm ideas for programs and content. More information will also be added to the drive from the SNAP wiki. 
      1. Volunteer efforts are welcome!
      2. John volunteered to help.
    2. Michelle asks that we review the onboarding document, especially the open roles (highlighted in yellow). Consider whether you’d like to consider serving in your current role, as calls for nominations will need to go out by mid-October.
      1. Eric, Michelle, Marissa are going to check the bylaws to make sure those wishing to continue in their roles can do so.
      2. Let Michelle know if you’d like to stay in your role before the next meeting.
      3. In addition, please review the SNAP microsite and confirm that your email listed is correct. If not, email Felicia ( 
    3. The onboarding document also includes information from Brenna and many pertinent links (including the microsite, where meeting minutes will be posted). Two important links are highlighted in yellow at the bottom of the document: how to email the entire SNAP committee, and the leader resources page.
  4. Set Regular Meeting Date / Time
    1. Doodle Poll results showed Thursday 7pm ET and Friday 3pm ET are the times that most of us can meet. Meetings are the first week of the month. We’ll try going with Thursday evenings for now, and if needed we can switch to Friday.
    2. Our next meeting is Thursday, October 7th at 7pm ET. This is very soon, but this will allow us to tackle anything not addressed in today’s meeting.
  5. Blog Team Updates
    1. The team hasn’t convened in a while. Leah has a submission ready and will be posting it soon. 
    2. Moving forward, we can put out calls for blog posts based on topics or themes. Also, some of the subcategories for posts on the blog haven’t had any updates in a while.
    3. Marissa would like to see the blog more aligned with SNAP content, and more coordination with the social media team. Michelle would like to see an improved calendar of events.
    4. Blog team meeting (open to all) will need to be set up soon.
      1. Before our next meeting, Michelle would like everyone to go through the blog and brainstorm potential future content, prepare for a broader discussion. 
  6. Social Media Team Updates
    1. Facebook is our least active account. Our tweets are scheduled, which is helpful, but Facebook blocks the applications used for this.
      1. Currently brainstorming ideas for October content. Input is welcome!
      2. Michelle asks that we share SNAP events on our social media accounts and with related groups, especially Student Groups, to help get the word out.
  7. Student Chapter Coordinators Updates
    1. Written response to outreach from student chapters is not as strong as they’d like. Currently working on getting communication going on a regular basis, looking for ways to engage without being stressful.
    2. We need to ask ourselves, “What are we offering the chapters? Why should they talk to us?”
    3. Some ideas: coffee chats/casual meetings, mainstage meeting (where SAA provides the platform), lightning talks, a section for student chapters on the blog. 
      1. Michelle would like us to brainstorm ideas for the next meeting.
  8. Web Liaison Updates
    1. Liz not present, but Michelle has concerns about the microsite. There are many, very old unanswered questions in comments on our pages, and this doesn’t look good. 
      1. Michelle is looking for a volunteer to go through the microsite pages and see which ones should have their comments turned off/deleted.
  9. Confirmation of Next Meeting Date: Thursday, October 7th, 7pm ET (6pm CT/5pm MT/4pm PT).
Referenced Group Meeting: