SNAP Steering Committee Meeting Minutes - 2021/03/16

SNAP Steering Committee 2020-2021
Meeting #6: 
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Time: 5:30 PM PT / 7:30 PM CT / 8:30 PM ET / 12:30 AM GMT 

  1. TPS SNAPpy Hour reflection
    1. It went well! Only two attendees showed up, but allowed for a more intimate conversation and answered their questions specifically.
    2. Sent out notes with resources mentioned/linked to in the chat to the section for those not able to make it.
    3. TPS receptive and encouraging, good potential for future collaborations
  2. Annual Meeting
    1. All section meetings are taking place throughout July
    2. The deadline for descriptions will likely be around April 15, but details from Felicia will likely follow.
    3. We may be able to “lightly petition” to extend our meeting time if needed
    4. Tentative Session Planning committee: Marissa, Leah, Lourdes 
      1. Have a dedicated channel in Discord 
    5. Idea, partially spurred by Michelle: 
      1. Invite members and/or students who are graduating/just graduated and to do lightning talks about their final paper/project/research. This gives them some presentation experience while also allows others in the profession to know what kind of research students are taking on and what they’re interested in to help further the field.
      2. Generally supported by meeting attendees. Suggestions include reaching out to student chapters and using a self-nomination/Call-For form. 
      3. Consider a shared Doc for notes and chats during the session?
  3. "Starting a new position during the pandemic" roundtable presentation/discussion
    1. Since SAA rejected the panel proposal - does SNAP want to pick it up and run with it? If so, how do we want to? 
    2. Generally agreed that this is a valuable and important topic; many new positions may be starting in May. 
    3. Helena is main Point of Contact; will check on timing and availability [late April/May?].
    4. General consensus to keep the current team [Helena/Renae/Hope/Marissa] and their [much appreciated] efforts, unless anyone wishes to bow out or develops scheduling conflicts.
    5. Round table presentation potential forums:
      1. Annual Meeting?
      2. SNAPpy Hour/special presentation? 
      3. Another way? 
  4. SNAP/Membership Committee SAA orientation resource update
    1. Looks good - time to volley back to Alison C. and Membership Committee 
    2. Liz taking the lead, may link up with steering committee for any additional questions.
    3. Post-Meeting: Alison suggests 3/26 deadline for Membership Committee final comments. 
  5. Postings Encouraged! 
    1. If you see something that looks interesting or could be helpful to the section at large, feel free to send it out to the Section listserv! As Steering Committee members, we all have inherent ‘authority’ to add New News or Bump events/deadline notices. 
  6. Vice Chair/Chair-Elect (Michelle Novak) - not present this meeting
  7. Blog Team (Kaitlyn Lichtle, Marissa Friedman, and Leah Tams)
    1. RAAC post is up
    2. Collecting posts on archival tools in use - e.g., what makes your work easier?
    3. Ask an archivist question - still needs input! [responses are Anonymous]
  8. Social Media (Louise LoBello and Rachel Talbot)
    1. Next month’s chat topic: ACA exam
    2. Will repost blog links
  9. Student Chapter Coordinator (Lourdes Johnson, Hope Ketcham Geeting, Cristy Sanchez) 
    1. Sent reminders to students about poster sessions due March 31
    2. Strategizing outreach, shifting from advisors and faculty to chapter presidents, and communicating directly with the students via social media and listservs. High turnover rate is the biggest challenge, but student chapter twitter accounts have also died down lately. 
  10. Web Liaison (Liz Holdzkom)
    1. Twitter archive 
      1. Currently have an outdated archive on microsite (under “2013-2018 #snaprt Chat Archive” on right side). Consider updating, or phasing out?
      2. Created using wakelet - if you have experience, please reach out!
    2. Other microsite improvement goals
      1. Developing right column
        1. All feel free to forward helpful resources to link in this column
      2. Add welcome message
        1. Liz will post sample for feedback
      3. See these two sections for examples:
  11. Additional updates.
    1. AWEF Round Table/Panel at New England Archivists Annual Meeting - 3/26 @ 2pm local; we’d love to have a good chat about “Labors Love Lost -- and Found? Archival Workers in Pandemic Times”
    2. Consider alternate meeting times - wide range of time zones, from Scotland to Pacific Coast. Potential hurdles include working/commute time and employer oversight.
      1. Most current committee members have negotiable professional development time to use for scheduling.
      2. Brenna will send out a Doodle or When2Meet poll to ‘test the waters’ on alternate times.
      3. For elected positions [not ex-officio], position descriptions will need to be updated before rolling off [later this year] - keep an eye on how much time you spend working on SNAP to ensure accurate representation in the description for your role. 
      4. Aside: should we consider drafting an on-demand advocacy letter for newer employees who are being denied time for professional development/outreach efforts? As professionals, it is important for us to maintain involvement in our career field. Perhaps Renae may take the lead, per her offer of a direct letter to those in need? Or would this be a better blog post?
      5. Secretary Note: Accessibility on the mind this week; if you have particular access needs regarding minutes [e.g. visual formatting], please let me know so I can make adjustments! 
Referenced Group Meeting: