SNAP Steering Committee 2019-2020
Meeting 1: Monday, September 23, 2019
Time: 5 PM PT / 7 PM CT/ 8 PM ET
Present: Ashelee, Tiffany Cole, Gayle Schechter, Emily M, Brenna Edwards, Eve Bourbeau-Allard, Lexy deGraffenreid, Laura Bell
Absent: Stephanie Crawford, Joe Schill
- Chair
- Welcome! Intros: Name you prefer, SNAP position, pronouns: Ashelee (she/her), Tiffany Cole (she/her), Gayle Schechter (she/her), Emily M (she/her), Brenna Edwards (she/her), Eve Bourbeau-Allard (she/her), Lexy deGraffenreid (she/her), Laura Bell (she/her)
- Explanation of SNAP logistics, expectations for upcoming section year
- PB Wiki-Repository of docs for SNAP. Officer positions this is where you will find passwords, how-tos, etc
- At large members not doing much outside of monthly meetings. Want to get at large members more involved. Partner with ex officios? With that being said, this is a volunteer position and it is understood if something else takes responsibility over this position at times
- Student chapter coordinator position; update bylaws around ex officio positions?
- Need special election for Student Chapter Coordinator, the last had to step down unexpectedly.
- Any members at large interested in holding this position until an official election can be held?? Lexy deGraffenreid has offered to help. More generally, everyone should ready themselves to prepare a blog post
- Next steps for the election of Student Chapter Coordinator? Gayle will get the ball rolling on that. There is a potential this may take place at the end of the year with the ex officio elections.
- Student involvement in chapter GET MORE STUDENTS INVOLVED
- General ongoing issue for SNAP
- Ad hoc group wants to sponsor handful of student memberships. This might be a bit too thorny for SNAP to get involved with. Gayle will let them know it is something SNAP cannot be a part of officially.
- What are some ways to outreach? Lexy deGraffenreid suggested maybe tie it into a monthly twitter chat?
- Getting linked in with faculty members in programs? Keep in mind for the October meeting.
- Annual meeting
- Salary negotiation? Workshop for salary negotiation tips? Or some form of workshop offered.
- Need to reach out to other sections, joint meeting with other sections?
- Monthly email roundup: putting together a round-up of SNAP activities/news to be emailed once a month to highlight blog/twitter/suggested readings etc for those that might have missed. Tentative start: October. Additional means of outreach!
- Potential statement on Frank Boles article-SNAP release a statement about the article? The response will be negative in nature.
- Vice Chair/Chair-Elect: Brenna Edwards, nothing to add
- Blog Team:
- Need updated bios for steering committee page (
- Do not need blog coordinator, so new professional blog editor nixed and will just have co-blog editors
- Ideas for blog posts: highlighting activities that people are doing/day in the life blogs/podcast highlights/twitter summary. Always open to ideas
- Spreadsheet for steering committee to volunteer to write blog posts? Sign up should be put together by the next meeting.
- Social Media: Tiffany
- Chat tomorrow (typically twice a month) topics related to SNAP but run the gamut, usually at 8 pm, but tomorrow at 9 pm est. Labor issues/salary transparency. Five questions related to contingent labor.
- Student Chapter Coordinator (vacant)
- Web Liaison: Ève
- Created outline for SAA website, introduction into SAA and SNAP to provide a concise overview for visitors to webpage
- Additional updates? No additional updates, meeting adjourned!
Referenced Group Meeting: