Past Annual Meetings

SAA 2023 (Washington/hybrid), Lone Arrangers Section Meeting
The recording of the virtual 2023 LAS Annual Meeting can be watched online here.
SAA 2022 (Boston/hybrid), Lone Arrangers Section Meeting
 The recording of the virtual 2022 LAS Annual Meeting can be watched online here.
SAA 2021 (virtual), Lone Arrangers Section Meeting
The recording of the virtual 2021 LAS Annual Meeting can be watched online here.
SAA 2016 (Atlanta), Lone Arrangers Roundtable Meeting

The Lone Arrangers Roundtable held its annual meeting in conjunction with that of the Society of American Archivists in Atlanta, August 3, 2016.

Report from Council Liaison:

o   The council has approved the plan of doing away with Roundtables and Sections and creating Affinity groups.  Affinity groups will be open to all SAA members and members will now be able to join as many affinity groups as they wish. “Affinity group” is not the official term, but that is being worked on for the final draft which will be out later this year.

o   Incoming President Nancy McGovern introduced herself to the membership.

o   Lyrasis representative Madeline Shelton spoke about the small-archives pilot project between themselves and ArchivesSpace, using volunteers from the LART membership.

o   Ashley Levine provided an update on the communications subcommittee, and the results of the membership survey, which showed that the listserv, and some forms of social media, are the best venues to support communication between the roundtable and its members.

o   SAA 2017 will be held in Portland Oregon. Proposal deadline is Friday, November 18.

Report from Lone Arrangers:

The leadership for the 2016-2017 lone arrangers roundtable was introduced.  Julia Corrin (in attendance) was congratulated on winning the election as Vice President/Chair Elect for the group.  Rebecca Altermatt was thanked for all her hard work this year as the Chair, especially in forming the communications subcommittee.

A lighting round of new and innovative projects completed by lone arrangers was organized for the annual meeting, on the topic: Preserving in Digital Formats: Challenges and Solutions in Small Archives. Link to the presentation slides:

 The following people presented:

  • Mike Satalof, Bard Graduate Center
  • Stephen Logsdon, Bernard Becker Medical Library
  • Elizabeth Charlton, Society of Mary (NZ)
  • Blake Graham, Douglas County History Research Center
  • Amanda Fulcher Vasquez, Daughters of the American Revolution
  • Ashley Levine, Artifex Press

This was followed by many questions from the audience on some of the aspects of the various projects.


SAA 2013 (New Orleans)

Intro to Lone Arrangers Roundtable and SAA Council Liaison (video)

Advocacy Panel (video)

Digital Archiving Panel (video)


SAA 2012 (San Diego)

All who are interested in the management of archives are invited to attend a special meeting sponsored by the Archives Management Roundtable and Lone Arrangers Roundtable.  This session will last from 3:15 – 7:30 on Wednesday, August 8th.  The two roundtables will hold their abbreviated annual meetings separately after two panels discuss aspects about managing an archives.  These panels are:

You, Me, We: Meeting Modern Challenges to Archives Through Collaboration

Collaboration allows archivists to meet modern work challenges through strategic relationships that can bring about a desired change. This panel discussion includes archivists who collaborate to cross various borders that limit opportunities and creativity. Cases include: a corporate archives, where an archivist works internally with teams to create an enterprise content management system; a digital repository, where a project archivist collaborates with technology companies; a public research library specializing in African American culture and history, where an archivist utilizes collaborations for grant and internship programs; and a research university, where an archivist collaborates with local organizations to sustain a documentary project focused on minority communities. Together, their examples represent new relationships that maximize shared knowledge, experience, and resources, and demonstrate how collaborations can benefit parent institutions, as well as provide public relations and advocacy opportunities. It will appeal to attendees seeking creative, new ideas or approaches to collaborative endeavors.

The Anniversary Waltz: Dancing the Line Between Your Regular Work and Special Projects

Anniversaries are important events for organizations and offer a great opportunity to make more people aware of the valuable resources within the archives. However, added recognition comes at a price. The archivist must attempt to continue with regular duties as well as respond to the inquiries anniversaries generate. Time must also be made available for the creation and curation of exhibits and events. How staff balance the many responsibilities that are now expected?  What can you do to improve the next anniversary that you need to deal with?  Archivists representing a cross section of archives - lone arranger, large archives, academic, corporate, governmental -- will address their anniversary projects and the challenges they represented so that you can gain from what they have learned.


Past SAA Conferences: Lone Arrangers Roundtable Meetings and Sessions

SAA 2010 in Washington, DC
SAA 2009 in Austin, TX
SAA 2008 in San Francisco, CA
SAA 2007 in Chicago, IL
SAA 2006 in Washington, DC
SAA 2005 in New Orleans, LA
SAA 2004 in Boston, MA
SAA 2003 in Los Angeles, CA

session LART-torresSlides.pdf1.67 MB