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STHC Roundtable 2013 Meeting
Friday, August 16, 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Grand Salon 15/18, Hilton New Orleans Riverside
Program Presentations, 4:00-5:00
Jennifer Head
Blessed Virgin Mary Congregation Archivist
Jennifer will discuss pioneering religious women in science and will present on several sisters who were influential in the field of science, including: Sister Mary Kenneth Keller, BVM, who is believed to be the first American woman to receive a Ph.D. in computer science and worked on the creation of BASIC, as well as formed the computer science department at Clarke College (now Clark University); Sister Florence Marie Scott, SC, who was chair of the embryology department at Seton Hill College and Trustee of the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole; and possibly an Ursuline sister from New Orleans who is recognized as the first female pharmacist in the United States.
Tanya Zanish-Belcher
Director of Special Collections & University Archivist, Wake Forest University
Tanya will discuss the Archives of Women in Science and Engineering at Iowa State, specifically the oral histories done with women in science during her 17 year career there. She will also discuss plans at Wake Forest to implement an oral history project focusing on Wake's faculty women in science.
Rachel Ivie
Assistant Director, AIP Statistical Research Center
Rachel has researched, tracked and presented on the past and future of women in physics and she knew Joan Warnow for several years before Joan retired from AIP. She will discuss gender results from a recent global survey of physicists conducted by the Statistical Research Center.
Business Meeting, 5:00-5:30
Welcome and Introductions
Council Representative Announcements: Tanya Zanish-Belcher
Approval of 2012 Minutes / Old Business
Election Results
Annual Meeting Taskforce: Jodi Koste
HIPAA regulatory update: Phoebe Evans-Letocha
Archival Elements: Liz Phillips
STHC Website: Polina Ilieva
STHC listserv: John Rees
Leadership Activities during 2012-13: John Rees
Steering Committee Membership: John Rees
New Business from the Floor
Adjourn, 5:30