
The Steering Committee's Sub-committees have articulated their charges and have called for general RAAC member participation (January 2014).

Participation: The current official RAAC member for a given regional would be that regional's key communicator on the sub-committee, but RAAC would welcome the input / ideas / questions from anyone in the regional.
RAAC members - please do volunteer for a sub-committee and invite your regional group colleagues to give you their input / ideas / questions to share.

Advocacy: Tessa Beers, of New England Archivists

Public Awareness: Vacant

Education: Jennifer Brannock, of Society of Mississippi Archivists

Grant Development: Kristen Chinery, of Michigan Archival Association

Disaster Planning and Recovery: Tim Hawkins, of Society of Rocky Mountain Archivists

Directory of Regionals: Casey Westerman, of Metro Detroit Archivists League


Steering Committee co-chairs Amanda Focke and Rachel Chatalbash will serve as liaisons to sub-committees as follows:
Amanda Focke:
  • Education
  • Grant Development
  • Disaster Planning & Recovery
Rachel Chatalbash:
  • Advocacy
  • Public Awareness
  • Directory of Regionals