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Alison, Jillian, Rory, Lori, Sean, Elisa, Ashley, Anke
Membership survey:
Survey, late spring early summer for a survey of membership, but we can push out information sooner. We can welcome new members sooner.
Steering committee nominations:
Nominations for steering committee, Anke will send out an email to the list to prepare the slate and get ready for the election.
Handwriting project:
Do we want to keep going with this project? Is this still viable? Lots of sources for paleography but for things that have become recently paleographic, need examples from the 1800s to 1900s. The gap here has been acknowledged and we could fill it.
How to go about it? If a group, people from other affinity groups that might be invited. TPS and Research Libraries want to be involved. What would next steps be? Create project charters. Lori will share examples. Start to fill it out and circulate to potential partners. Lori will send out an example. Initial pass. Jackie will get something out to the committee by the 14th.
Society of American Archivists
Manuscript Repositories Section
Created | 29 June 2004
Last updated | 28 September 2018