Meeting Minutes, June 6, 2019 (I&A Steering Ctte.)

SAA I&A Steering Committee Meeting, 2019-06-06


12-12:30pm PST


Present: Courtney, Steve, Samantha, Sara, Angel, Rachel

Not Present: Kristin, Ruth

Notetaker: Sara



-No early career person this year

-Four steering committee candidates, one for chair, one for vice chair

-COPA likes to get archives info in general out, doing their own thing

-Emoji contest

-StoryCorps interviews finally edited from 2015

-3-year workplan

-Summer still working on design for portal

Check-in on ongoing projects:


  • Social Media (Facebook, Twitter): Samantha

    • Can’t cross-post to Twitter for some reason

  • I&A Liaison/Meeting Minutes: Sara

    • Suggest to new chair we update microsite

  • I&A Monthly Recap: Courtney (Kristin)

    • Will send out

  • Blog master: Samantha

    • Up to date!

Research Teams

  • Archivists on the News- Steve

    • Emily Gibson 5/31 post - Behind schedule, but in the works; looking at open access and ethics

Blog Series

  • Steering Shares: everyone! Please refer to Google calendar.

    • Last Steering Share Sara: 6/7-will be late

    • Last Steering Share Ruth: 6/21

    • Last Steering Share Kristin: 7/1

  • Archivists on the Issues- Rachel (Ruth)

    • Last post July 16th-Joanna

  • ICYMI: As needed


Special Projects

  • Temp labor survey working group meeting immediately following this! Agenda.

Other things!

  • Advocacy Design Share- Summer

    • Still working with Mary

  • Annual Meeting- all

    • To-do’s for section meeting-election results

    • List of I&A- related sessions, meetings

      • CD to set up sched account

  • Reschedule July 3rd meeting? No

Action Items

All: ongoing assignments

Courtney: check with Felicia about using section funding for swag