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SAA I&A Steering Committee Meeting, 2019-10-24
11-12pm PST
Conference Call Number: 712-770-4856
Access Code: 767350
Present: Joanna, Courtney, Genna, Sara, Holly, Samantha
Not Present: Sheridan
Notetaker: Sara
Housekeeping-update email addresses
Projects updates
Social Media (Facebook, Twitter)
-Local gov’t for Washington, D.C. requested our help to preserve their archives-maybe they can write blog post?
-Offer to boost anything they write
I&A Liaison
-Posted minutes to microsite
I&A Monthly Recap
-Courtney will put together end of month recap
-Samantha is waiting to hear from Christine about published response
Research Teams
Archivists on the News
-Still working to combine with Archivists on the Issues series
Blog Series
Steering Shares
-Joanna’s is up now
-Samantha’s is upcoming
Archivists on the Issues
-Still looking for blog posts-Laura Alagna might do one-
-Will mention looking for one-off authors in monthly recap
-Same as above-Genna/Holly will recruit for these
-Genna trying to get post about Maintainers conference
-Courtney will write about DLF
-Anti-racist resources folks will maybe also write something
Special Projects
-Joint call w/RAPP and COPA-discuss potential collaborations
-Joanna will report back before end of year
Other things?
-Look at spreadsheet that lists roles