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SAA I&A Steering Committee Meeting, 2019-11-21
11-12pm PST
Conference Call Number: 712-770-4856
Access Code: 767350
Present: Sara, Holly, Joanna, Sam, Genna, Sheridan, Courtney
Not Present:
Notetaker: Holly/Sara/Joanna
SAA Zoom account for meetings
-will use going forward
B. December meeting - maybe try to push meeting more in the early to mid-part of the month
-COPA’s Archives Aware blog looking for authors
-Provide feedback on their new website
Projects updates
Social Media (Facebook, Twitter):article posted
I&A Liaison:Sara will post minutes
I&A Monthly Recap: send out last week of the month
Research Teams
No updates
Blog Series
Steering Shares:Holly will have done soon
Archivists on the Issues: Sheridan has two posts in the works, one about anti-racist workbook and another about evironmentally conscious archiving
ICYMI: Results of survey
-community informatics conference post (this conference: https://sites.google.com/monash.edu/cirn-prato-2019/home/program?authuser=0)
Special Projects
-RAAC recap and COPA blog-Joanna will share notes
-Advocacy design portal needs another person
- Based on Library Design Share Portal
Other things?
Will reach out to our SAA council liaison (Mario) about letter from human rights committee regarding prison inmate letters