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SAA I&A Steering Committee Meeting, 2019-05-01
11:00am-12:00pm PST
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Meeting ID: 346 213 031
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Present: Courtney, Steve, Rachel
Not Present: Samantha, Ruth
Notetaker: Sara
Intern funding update- CD
-We cannot use $200 to pay new intern
Working group to address salaries in SAA job postings- CD and Sara
-Most of pushback against it from Business Archives sections
-Still planning to take it to council
-Upcoming second call-Courtney will attend
Elections! https://www2.archivists.org/governance/leaderresources/section-election-guide
Courtney will send out call for:
Steering Committee (2)
Steve rotating off, Ruth rotating off (1 year term bc Lisa resigned last year)
Samantha and Sara continuing
Check-in on ongoing projects:
Social Media (Facebook, Twitter): Samantha
Looks good!
I&A Liaison/Meeting Minutes: Sara
Posted to microsite
I&A Monthly Recap: Courtney (Kristin)
Blog master: Samantha
Will hopefully continue next year
Research Teams
Archivists on the News- Steve
Emily Gibson 5/31 post still planned, last for the season
Blog Series
Steering Shares: everyone! Please refer to Google calendar.
Mid-year steering share: Rachel 3/29
Last steering share: Summer 4/26
Last steering share: Steve 5/10
Last steering share: Samantha 5/24
Archivists on the Issues- Rachel (Ruth)
Second Archivists on the Issues post due 5/14 (per I&A calendar)
Combine with Archivists on the News?
ICYMI: As needed
SCA collab- Courtney, Steve, Rachel
Rachel will write about labor brown bag lunch, plenary, Steve’s talk
-Steve will write about diversity/inclusion session or might add to Rachel’s
Special Projects
Temp labor survey working group- Courtney, Steve, Sara, Rachel, Angel Diaz
Currently: 249 completed responses, 115 in progress
Next steps: meeting to recap and develop work plan for data analysis, summaries
Meeting 5/9 with Penn State assessment librarian
-Courtney will invite mid-Atlantic archivists to our section meeting to discuss labor surveys (ours and theirs)
Other things!
Advocacy Design Share- Summer
Here is a draft site (not necessarily staying in Google Sites).
Annual Meeting- all
All Section Meetings on Sat. Aug. 3rd this year
Survey group to write up summary for Steve to share out
-Swag? What else to do with $200? Flags?
Action Items
All: ongoing assignments
New recruits for Steering Committee
CD: check in with Kristin; Follow up on Sunlight Foundation webinar?