Meeting Minutes, 2019 April 3 (I&A Steering Ctte.)

SAA I&A Steering Committee Meeting, 2019-04-03

11:00am-12:00pm PST

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Meeting ID: 865 350 528

Present: Courtney, Steve, Samantha, Rachel

Not Present: Sara, Ruth, Kristin

Notetaker: Courtney



  • I&A Section Meeting w/ SNAP Saturday August 3, 2019 1-3pm

  • Temp survey closes Friday, April 5th

    • Please fill out and share widely!

Check-in on ongoing projects:


  • Social Media (Facebook, Twitter): Samantha

    • Hot news re: Virginia yearbook takedown order

  • I&A Liaison/Meeting Minutes: Sara

    • Sara out but will post minutes to micro-site

  • I&A Monthly Recap: Courtney (Kristin)

    • Courtney send out blog post roundup. Cats are back!

  • Blog master: Samantha

    • Lots of recent posts, spacing them out as needed

    • Waiting on Ruth for Steering Share- will follow up

Research Teams

  • Archivists on the News- Steve

    • Last post on controversial archival holdings

    • Next post, April 19(-ish) by Dani Stuchel, looking at the Tumblr 'adult content ban' and how archivists are thinking about and working with such content

    • 5/31 post still planned, last for the season

Blog Series

  • Steering Shares: everyone! Please refer to Google calendar.

    • Mid-year steering share: Rachel 3/29

    • Last steering share: Courtney 4/12

    • Last steering share: Summer 4/26

    • Last steering share: Steve 5/10

  • Archivists on the Issues- Rachel (Ruth)

    • Joanna Black submitted + posted to blog

    • One-off from Michelle Ganz forthcoming. (First week of April)

      • RM to follow up

  • ICYMI: As needed

    • SCA collab- Courtney, Steve, Rachel

Special Projects

  • Temp labor survey working group- Courtney, Steve, Sara, Rachel, Angel Diaz

    • Currently: 249 completed responses, 115 in progress

    • Next steps: meeting to recap and develop work plan for data analysis, summaries

Other things!

  • Advocacy Design Share- Summer

    • May not be a priority in the future

  • Annual Meeting- all

    • All Section Meetings on Sat. Aug. 3rd this year

    • Survey group to write up summary for Steve to share out

  • Section intern for 2019-2020: Description of project/work due to Felicia by Wed. 4/10

    • CD will submit to Felicia, use current intern description

    • Use section funding to pay??? (Ask Felicia)

Action Items

All: ongoing assignments

New recruits for Steering Committee


CD: check in with Kristin, Summer; Follow up on Sunlight Foundation webinar?