

At the annual SAA Annual Meeting:

1. Hold the Roundtable's annual business meeting.

a. Hold annual elections for roundtable offices, including Chair.

2. It is reccomended, but not required, that someone from the Issues & Advocacy Roundtable attend SAA's annual Leadership Forum to gain an idea of how the Roundtable fits into the overal SAA structure; what SAA requires from the Roundtable for partnership with the larger SAA body; network with other Roundtables and Sections, etc.


14 Days after the close of the SAA Annual Meeting

1. Roundtable convencers are required to report the name(s) of their convener(s) for the coming year to the SAA office within 14 days of the close of the Annual Meeting.

2. As per the SAA Governance Manual:

"B. The leaders of the Roundtable are expected to notify the SAA Executive Office promptly of newly appointed or elected leaders so that the official SAA leadersip list ("saaleaderlist") can be updated and mailings can be circulated properly."

See SAA Governance Manual, Section X, "Guidelines for Roundtables."


90 Days afer the close of the SAA Annual Meeting

Conveners are required to complete and file with the Executive Director and annual report 90 days afer the close of the Annual Meeting, regardless of whether the Roudntable convenes in conjunction with the Annual Meeting. Report form is available for download.

See SAA Governance Manual, Section X, "Guidelines for Roundtables."


By September of each year

Research, write and submit Issue Briefs

Working with the SAA Government Affars Working Group, the Issues & Advocacy Roundtable will research and write Issue Briefs on points of action and advocacy key to the profession and beyond. These will serve as springboards for action for SAA membership and others. They will  be submitted to SAA Council and distributed to the general SAA membership once Council has approved them.

*Note: Issue Briefs will be generated twice a year, in March and September.

By March of each year

Research, write and submit Issue Briefs


Working with the SAA Government Affars Working Group, the Issues & Advocacy Roundtable will research and write Issue Briefs on points of action and advocacy key to the profession and beyond. These will serve as springboards for action for SAA membership and others. They will  be submitted to SAA Council and distributed to the general SAA membership once Council has approved them.

*Note: Consult with the GAWG at the SAA Annual Meeting.
**Note: Review the websites for the National Humanities Council

Between November and February of each year

Promote and support the "I Found It In The Archives!" program

The Roundtable will promote and support SAA's "I Found It In the Archives!" program among the Roundtable and the general SAA membership.


By December of each year

Update the SAA Directory of Archival Organizations in the United States and Canada

This source serves as an important conduit of communication for all levels of SAA and beyond; it is a mechanism for SAA members, SAA staff, legislators and others, that can be used for, among other things, advocacy!  

*Note: Members of the Roundtable's Steering Committee can divide the organizations for contact as deemed appropriate.

When contactinf the organizations, one of the questions to ask would be if there is anyone in those organizations who is active in advocacy work, in what respect, and their contact information. The Roundtable then has a list of "Advocacy All-Stars"; those who are known for activism and being vocal around vital issues in and related to the profession.


By February 28th of each year

Submit nominations for SAA's Jameson Award

"...this award honors an individual, institution or organization that promotes greater public awareness, appreciation or support or archival acritivies or programs. The individual's or institution;s contributions may take the form of advocacy, publicity, legislation, fianncial support or a similar action that fosters archival work or raises public consciousness of the importance of archival work.

See the Jameson Award description.


Directly before the SAA Annual Meeting

"Conveners will recieve and annual notice from the SAA office on the availability of meeting rooms for Rountables, with deadlines for responding. Roundtables that request a meeting room may be allocated shared meeting space at the Annual Meeting. The following criteria, among other, may be used to determine the allocation of shared space:

1. The SAA office recieves a request for space by the deadline established by the Executive Director.

2. All reporting requirements for the previous year have been met."

See SAA Governance Manual, Section X, "Guidelines for Roundtables."