2019 September 30 Meeting Minutes

SAA I&A Steering Committee Meeting, 2019-09-30
11-12pm PST

Present: Joanna Black; Samantha Brown; Holly Croft; Courtney Dean; Genna Duplisea; Sheridan Sayles

Not Present: Felicia Owens; Sara Decaro

Notetaker: Joanna


  1. Introductions

  1. Housekeeping

    1. Future meeting schedule and call format: will use conference call # / Doodle for October, re-evaluate these again next meeting 

  1. Announcements

  1. Projects: Who does what?

    1. Outreach

  • Social Media (Facebook, Twitter): Samantha (will continue)

  • I&A Liaison/Meeting Minutes: Sara (ask if she can continue this)

  • I&A Monthly Recap: Courtney, with help from Joanna

  • Blog: Samantha (will continue)

    1. Research Teams

  • Archivists on the News: research group on legislative matters and archives ended in 2018; currently blog series, but can be combined with A on the Issues (see below)

    • Currently no one is assigned this

    1. Blog Series 

  • Steering Shares: Joanna will assign member posts (via Google calendar); start with introduction of comm. (1st post of year)

  • Archivists on the Issues: Combine this with A on the News blog post -- what will that look like? Title change? 

    • Currently no one is assigned

  • ICYMI: As it comes up (conference, presentations, workshops that anyone wants to share)

    • Currently no one assigned to this 

  1. Special Projects

    1. Wrap up of Temp Labor survey: Courtney, Angel Diaz, and Steve Duckworth doing presentation discussing this survey; Sheridan working on similar project with NYU that will have IRB approval, could be an opportunity for next steps on subject

  1. Other things!



  1. Assign steering comm. members blog post date for “Steering Shares” using Google calendar - Joanna

  2. Combine Archivists on the Issues / News blog series - Group

  3. Assign all members tasks for year (see spreadsheet) - Group