2019 July 3 Meeting Minutes (I&A Steering Ctte.)

SAA I&A Steering Committee Meeting, 2019-07-03
11-12pm PST


Present: Courtney, Sara, Summer, Samantha, Rachel, Steve

Not Present: Ruth, Kristin

Notetaker: Sara





  • Social Media (Facebook, Twitter): Samantha

- Twitter still not updating automatically

-Not difficult to post, however

  • I&A Liaison/Meeting Minutes: Sara 

    • Will post minutes right after meeting

  • I&A Monthly Recap: Courtney (Kristin)

    • Sent out earlier this week

    • Will do one more before SAA meeting

    • One more Archivists on the Issues

  • Blog master: Samantha

    • No shares from Ruth or Kristin

Research Teams

  • Archivists on the News- Steve

    • All finished

    • Will discuss merging this and Archivists on the Issues

Blog Series 

  • Steering Shares: everyone! Please refer to Google calendar. 

    • Last Steering Share Ruth: 6/21

    • Last Steering Share Kristin: 7/1

    • Last Steering Share Rachel: 7/12

  • Archivists on the Issues- Rachel (Ruth)

    • Last post July 16th-Joanna

  • ICYMI: As needed

Special Projects

  • Temp labor survey working group update- Steve, Sara, Rachel, Courtney

    • Steve working with quantitative data

    • Everyone else and Angel coding free text responses

    • Everyone will look over Steve’s data and choose which ones to share at meeting-

    • Steve will share results at SAA meeting

    • Will make report and raw data available

    • Samantha will look over as well

Other things!

  • Advocacy Design Share- Summer

    • Content submission form(s)-what to collect? More text-based materials, maybe.

    • Copyright-provide link? Tags for ease of finding?

    • Web publishing- Wordpress (additional site?)

    • Continuity needs-Courtney will keep new chair up to date about this role

  • Annual Meeting- all

    • To-do’s for section meeting-funding expired

  • Maybe bill next section for design of logo?

Action Items

All: ongoing assignments


All: think about suggestions to pass on to new Steering Committee