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The Roundtable has endorsed the following two proposals for SAA 2013:
1. Displaced Archives
Nations and peoples have suffered throughout history from the removal of their documentary heritage. Records have been removed during war, revolution, and other conflicts for purposes ranging from plunder to propaganda to intelligence to documenting war crimes to the rescue of archives threatened with destruction. Such "displaced archives" are scattered in institutions across the globe; access to such records and their long-term disposition remain central controversies in international archival affairs. As a professional community, archivists need to understand the legal, political, diplomatic and cultural controversies surrounding such displaced records. In the proposed panel, which Trudy Peterson will moderate, Douglas Cox and Bruce Montgomery will speak about ongoing displaced records-related controversies and Jeremy Brett and Mario H. Ramirez will discuss the new Displaced Archives Project, Founded in 2012, the DAP is dedicated to identifying displaced records, and in creating a comprehensive directory containing their description and location."
2. Occupy Archives
"The distributed and self‐directing Occupy movement created a host of archival opportunities and challenges. Fifteen speakers from diverse backgrounds (including government, non‐profit organizations, colleges and universities, and the Occupy movement itself) will share a variety of perspectives. Focus areas include: donor relations, documentation strategies, self‐documentation and crowdsourcing, social media and digital archiving, oral histories and sound recordings, and the archival profession's response to Occupy."